Development cooperation

"You think you are coming to save the world but you are coming to save yourself".

Vicente Ferrer

DENOUNCE injustice and the violation and abuse of human rights wherever it occurs, and BUILD instruments and means These are the objectives pursued by our DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION projects.


Bangladesh: “Súbete al Rickshaw”

Bangladesh: "Get on the Rickshaw".

Through the microcredit project "Get on the Rickshaw", carried out in 2007 in Bangladesh, it contributed to reducing poverty in the most disadvantaged urban and rural areas, offering loans for the purchase of rickshaws for people at risk of exclusion....

Niños del Himalaya

Himalayan Children

The project improved the living conditions of underprivileged children through education and basic food needs. In 2014, a hundred children were cared for with the support of the local partner, the Randha Buddist Society Centre ....

Senegal: Codesarrollo Valencia-Senegal

Senegal: Valencia-Senegal Co-development

The Valencia-Senegal Codesarrollo initiative, implemented between 2011 and 2014, aimed to generate economic resources for groups at risk of exclusion in the Dakar area by promoting self-employment through the creation of micro-enterprises and the reinforcement of the local economy.....

Senegal: «Albinos bajo la sombra del sol»

Senegal: "Albinos in the shadow of the sun"

Through the “Albinos under the shadow of the sun” project, executed in 2010, the defense of the Human Rights of people with albinism was promoted. The main objective of the proposal, which consisted of a single edition, was to integrate albino minors into the...

Paraguay: «Mujeres y desarrollo»

Paraguay: "Women and development

Project "Women and Development". The project, carried out in 2010, was executed in a single edition, contributing to reversing the process of vulnerability that affects the women of Villa El Cerrito. It also helped to generate spaces for reflection, creation,...

Etiopía: Mujeres abogadas etíopes

Ethiopia: Ethiopian women lawyers

Human rights training project, legal assistance and participatory design of actions in the strategy of the association "Ethiopian Women Lawyers" for the reduction of harmful traditional practices in Ethiopia. The project, implemented between 2009 and 2011,...