
¡Fin de curso en la Escoleta Matinal!

End of the course at the Morning School!

The 2023-2024 school year is ending and for the tenth consecutive year, at Fundación Por la Justicia we have developed the Escoleta Matinal project at the Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados de Nazaret center. During this course, the project has accompanied 41 students and...

Asamblea de la CONGD

CONGD Assembly

The Valencian Coordinator of ONGD – which brings together 110 entities from the entire Community – will celebrate the 7th and 8th of June and the second Ordinary General Assembly, in which it has vindicated the importance of work in the world and the need for forces them...

Disfruta de la plataforma de vídeo bajo demanda Humans Media

Enjoy the Humans Media video-on-demand platform

With the Humans Media platform you can enjoy several productions that were broadcast at the festival, as well as some of the winning films. All this content will be available until June 16 with a one-time subscription of 5 euros. The section of...

