Development cooperation

"You think you are coming to save the world but you are coming to save yourself".

Vicente Ferrer

DENOUNCE injustice and the violation and abuse of human rights wherever it occurs, and BUILD instruments and means These are the objectives pursued by our DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION projects.


Asamblea de la CONGD

CONGD Assembly

The Valencian Coordinator of ONGD – which brings together 110 entities from the entire Community – will celebrate the 7th and 8th of June and the second Ordinary General Assembly, in which it has vindicated the importance of work in the world and the need for forces them...

Voluntariado para construir procesos de paz

Volunteering to build peace processes

In September 2022, Fundación por la Justicia started the "Access to Justice" project, within the "FxJ with Ukraine" Programme, whose main objective is to learn about and compile the prejudices that citizens have as victims of violence, and to...