Optimal conditions to guarantee the right to education in Mozambique


According to the UNDP, Mozambique has a poverty rate of 54.7% and 70% of the population lives in rural areas. Mozambique is one of the most impoverished countries on the planet, ranking 180th out of 188 countries in its HDI (HDI 2015).

The Father Vicente Berenguer He is from Teulada (Alicante) and Since 1967 he has dedicated his life to Mozambique, in which he has even held positions in the Ministry of Education. At the moment He lives in Ressano García, a town on the border with South Africa where young Mozambicans seek a better future and from where they are deported daily..

Father Vicente has always had one of his goals as guaranteeing the right to education of boys and girls defending their schooling. It has tirelessly provided schools to various areas and drinking water to the population and currently continues to do so through the collaboration of public and private institutions.


The general objective of this project is:

  • optimize access to inclusive and quality education, through the rehabilitation of educational spaces to create safe, adequate and efficient places;
  • and the generation of learning opportunities so that, in addition to achieving the personal training of the direct beneficiaries, these can be reflected within their families and their community.

The project is financed by ICH SL