The Valencia International Film and Human Rights Festival, Humans Fest, organized by Fundación por la Justicia since 2009, has been invited to the third edition of Enclave Cinema, film conferences that are organized within Enclave Land Art, the project of artistic residencies and research in nature that is part of the Resident Culture program of the Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana (CMCV).

Thus, the Valencian town of Cheese, belonging to the region of La Canal de Navarrés, will host different screenings from Friday, September 29 to Sunday, October 1, which will be accompanied by colloquiums with the aim of “bringing reflection on human rights through cinema beyond Valencia, promoting citizen participation in the defense of equality and social justice throughout our territory, especially in those places where cultural proposals reach the least,” in the words of Majo Siscar, director of Humans Fest.


Enclave Cinema will kick off this year with a new activity aimed at younger audiences: it will bring cinema with a gender perspective from the Humans Fest to IES La Canal de Navarrés, where on Friday morning, September 29, The yellow roof, the documentary by Isabel Coixet that denounces the sexual abuse committed by teachers to students at the Lleida Theater Classroom. The screening will have the presence of two of the protagonists, the actresses Aida Flix and Goretti Narcís, who, when finished, will talk with the students.


The 2023 Enclave Cinema conferences are structured around the concept of “look” from three perspectives: own, interior and open. The first day, Friday, September 29, will be dedicated to the section “Own look” through a selection of outstanding works throughout the 14th editions of the Humans Fest. The screening will be at 9:30 p.m. and will feature Majo Siscar herself, who will lead a final discussion.

For its part, on Saturday, September 30, it will start with a morning walking route around Quesa. In the evening, starting at 9:30 p.m., the film session will focus on the “Inner look” through a selection of short films from the Humans Fest related to the Enclave Land Art artistic residency. Raül Julve, director of Enclave Cinema, will be in charge of presenting the screening and leading the subsequent discussion.

Finally, the programming on Sunday, October 1 will consist of a session at 10:30 a.m., when a fusion between art and cinema will be offered with the section “Open look”, which will include a selection of animation pieces from the Humans Fest. At the end of the screening, the director of Enclave Land Art Miguel Mallol will present the seven projects selected to participate in the V edition of Enclave Land Art, since the closing of Enclave Cinema will mark the beginning of this year's artistic residencies.


Enclave Cinema is a conference focused on cinema, identity and territory through screenings, discussions and presentations. They were launched in 2021 within the artistic project Enclave Land Art, which since 2016 has promoted the dialogue between humans and nature to reinterpret the territory through contemporary art. To do this, it creates artistic itineraries in rural areas based on a two-week international artist residency.


Humans Fest is one of the main activities promoted by the Foundation for Justice with the aim of defending human rights and denouncing their violations around the world through cinema, a powerful tool and power to raise awareness. Humans Fest is part of the international Human Rights Film Network. Its 14th edition (2023) has been held thanks to the collaboration of the Conselleria de Cooperació, Diputació de València, Ajuntament de València, Institut Valencià de Cultura, Caixa Popular and Teika. For its part, the Valencian regional radio and television station À Punt has been the official media of the festival.