Majo Siscar - Director of Humans Fest
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Journalist with 15 years of experience in Europe and Latin America. She has covered violence in Central America, the victims of the drug war in Mexico, migration to the US or the peace process in Colombia, from an intersectional perspective. She has written for media such as The New York Times ES, Newsweek, Mexico, El País, eldiario.es, 5W, El Temps magazine and Animal Político. She has also been a radio and TV reporter. She studied journalism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, has a master's degree in Latin American Studies from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and a postgraduate degree in Human Rights from the Ibero-American University.
Her work has received awards such as the 2019 Joan Gomis Memorial for solidarity journalism for the multimedia #SexSymbols on women leaders in Bolivia, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the 2017 Manuel Alcántara Prize for Young Journalism - awarded by the University of Malaga and Diario Sur - for a report on the peace process in Colombia, published in 5W or the European Award for Journalistic Excellence in Sexual and Reproductive Rights 2011 - awarded by the EU - for a report on women imprisoned for having an abortion, published in Periodismo Humano.
For three years she has been in charge of communications at the CineMigrante festival in Barcelona. She now works as a scriptwriter for the programme Lo de Évole, on La Sexta. She also worked as an editor at Terres de Cinema de À Punt, awarded Best Documentary Series at the Berlanga Awards 2021.
She was scriptwriter of the documentary '¿Me vas a gritar?', by Laura Herrero Garvín, Mexico 2018. In 2019 she published the book Tremendas, luchadoras latinoamericanas (Pruna Llibres and Barlin).

Cristina Vivó - Production Coordinator
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Journalist and graduate in Audiovisual Communication. Responsible for the official documentary section in the press department of the Malaga Film Festival since 2016, she created and directed the digital content section at the Fuengirola Film Festival in 2017.
In the field of production, he has been in charge of different film and television projects including 'Mala Memoria' (Vito Palanques, 2008), 'Último Atardecer' (Sara Castelló, 2011), Almost Ghosts' (Ana Ramón Rubio, 2019), 'El abismo de los dioses' (Ricardo Yebra, 2020), 'Mi familia en la mochila' (TVE, 2020-2021), 'Terres de Cinema' (À Punt TV, 2021) and 'Bull Run' (Ana Ramón Rubio, 2021, in post-production).
In fiction, she has developed her professional work as a production manager for numerous national and international award-winning projects, and as an art director. Some of her works are listed below:
"Todos queríamos matar al presidente" by Ana Ramón Rubio (Art Direction). Webseries
"Mala Memoria" by Vito Palanques (Production). Short film
"Last Sunset" by Sara Castelló Production). Short film
"El Camerino" by Ana Ramón Rubio (Art Direction). Short film
His involvement and interest in digital formats led him to create the Webseries section of the Fuengirola International Film Festival (Malaga),

Pilar Almenar - Advocacy Coordinator
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Pilar Almenar holds a degree in Environmental Sciences from the Universitat de València and a Master's degree in Journalism from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and El País. She currently works as a freelance journalist, trainer and project manager. Interested in reportage and social journalism, she has worked for numerous media in radio, digital, press and television (El País, La Marea, El Salto, Público, Jornada, Vice and À Punt Mèdia). Since 2019 she has been collaborating with the À Punt radio morning show (Les Notícies del Matí) as head of the section #GentQueSuma, on projects with social impact.
She was head of communication for PhotOn Festival (International Festival of photojournalism based in Valencia) for four years, head of communication for three editions of "Abierto Valencia", opening of the season of the Association of Contemporary Art Galleries of the Valencian Community (LaVac) and has led campaigns such as Click Al Mercat (Photography competition in the municipal markets of Valencia, València City Council), among others.
As a communications professional, she has worked for associations such as Jarit (València Migrante Gastronomic Guide project); she has worked for Jovesolides (La Ventanilla Indiscreta project), for the association Por Ti Mujer, Intermón Oxfam and the Valencian NGDO Coordinator (Pobresa Zero 2020 and 2021 campaign) among others.
With extensive experience in projects with a social impact, since 2017 he has been running the Impresas Projecta magazine published by women inmates in Picassent prison (Valencia). In 2019, it received the Africanidad Award for social journalism from the Federación Unión Africana España and, together with Impresas, the Jury's Special Mention in the Communication category at the 1st Cooperation Awards of the Coordinadora Valenciana de ONGDs.

Laura Bellver - Communications Officer
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Degree in Journalism from the University of Valencia. I have completed the Master's Degree in Innovation in Journalism at the Miguel Hernández University of Alicante, whose final project was IGUAL: an initiative to promote the gender perspective in the media in terms of both structure and content. I have also completed the Master's Degree in Gender and Equality Policies at CCOO and the Master's Degree in Digital Marketing and Online Commerce at EAE Business School.
I have worked for almost ten years in communication agencies, where I have been responsible for social networks, planning content and actions, SEO and SEM campaigns, as well as managing profiles on multiple platforms. In addition, here I have also carried out press office functions: writing press releases and content for offline and online, coordination of corporate publications, media relations, organisation and coverage of events...
On the other hand, since 2014 I have collaborated with the NGO AIDA, in which I have not only been a volunteer in its network of solidarity bookshops, but I have also helped in its communication, in the relationship with the media and in the synergies with other entities.
In February 2020 I decided to start working as a freelanceI have contributed my experience to different projects, both my own and those of third parties. For example, I have been responsible for digital and didactic contents of the literary popularisation programme "A room of my own". of À Punt (Valencian public radio-television); I have elaborated the didactic guides for films such as "The death of Guillem Agulló". o "La innocència" (Innocence)I have collaborated in the communication of the docuweb "Orgull d'hortaI managed the film's social media channels. "MediterraneanI have been in charge of communication at the gender consulting firm Equality Momentumin the association Adonar for social transformation through culture and of the annual Poverty Zero campaign of the Valencian NGDO Coordinating Committee (2020 y 2021).
At the moment, among the tasks I have in hand, I am responsible for communication (social networks, press releases, web content, media relations, etc.) of the European project. Women's Legacyof the trade union CNT València and of the Official College of Social Work of Valencia.

Deborah Micheletti - Hospitality and Protocol Officer
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After graduating in Human Rights in London and working in several NGOs in Target Audience Campaigns, in 2009 she joined the production company Los Sueños de la Hormiga Roja ('Vivir de Pie', 'El Efecto K'), where she has been Head of International Relations dealing with promotion, dissemination and festivals. Since 2014 she has been in charge of distribution and festivals at Tarannà Films. She is Co-Director of the International Biennial Dona i Cinema - Mujer y Cine - Woman and Film and promoter of the Atenea Programme aimed at young film students. She has been Production Coordinator of the International Human Rights Festival of Valencia - HUMANS FEST until its tenth edition. She has joined the team of La Cabina - International Medium-length Film Festival of Valencia in 2019 in charge of protocol and guests.

Rubén Codeseira - Programming team
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A film journalist, he currently works in the press departments of film festivals such as the Valladolid International Film Week (SEMINCI), Malaga Film Festival, Ibizacinefest, FescinaB, International Action Film Festival (NIAFFS) and the Lorca Awards International Film Festival in Granada, as well as the Humans Fest - Film and Human Rights Festival in Valencia, where he is part of the programming team.
He has also carried out communication, promotion and press campaigns for films such as 'La madriguera' (Kurro González), 'Resort Paraíso' (Enrique García), 'Yo, mi mujer y mi mujer muerta' (Santi Amodeo), 'La maleta de Helios' (Javier Angulo and Nacho A. Villar), 'All the Souls...' (Roberto Lozano Bruna), 'Las gentiles' (Santi Amodeo), 'La mancha negra' (Enrique García) and "Isósceles" (Ignacio Nacho).
Among other organisations, he collaborates with the Communication department of the Spain Film Commission in events such as Fitur, Iberseries Platino & Industria or Conecta Fiction & Entertainment, and is a member of the Asociación de Periodistas Iberoamericanos de Cine since its creation (www.periodistasdecine.org).

Noelia Abellán - Production team
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She is a technician in Video Disk-Jockey and Sound, and a higher technician in Audiovisual and Show Production. She is currently studying Audiovisual Communication at the Jaume I University. She has been part of the production team in the XIII and XIV editions of Humans Fest, and in the VI edition of the Maniatic Film Festival.

Alicia Iniesta - Trainee student
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She studied journalism at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), in Castelló. She is currently doing an internship at Humans Fest, a project of Fundación por la Justicia, while working on her dissertation, a media project on female sexual and reproductive health.