
Bangladesh: “Súbete al Rickshaw”

Bangladesh: "Get on the Rickshaw".

Through the microcredit project "Get on the Rickshaw", carried out in 2007 in Bangladesh, it contributed to reducing poverty in the most disadvantaged urban and rural areas, offering loans for the purchase of rickshaws for people at risk of exclusion....

Premios 2017

Awards 2017

PAU I JUSTÍCIA AWARD: For the professional cinematographic career dedicated to the defense of human rights. The Festival foresees the delivery of three International awards: DOCUMENTARY FEATURE FILM COMPETITION PRIZE (endowed with 3,000 euros). COMPETITION PRIZE...

Las claves de la sección 1 minuto, 1 derecho

The keys to the section 1 minute, 1 right

In the VIII edition of the Humans Fest, the now traditional section "1 minute, a right" could not be missing. This year we have a new ally to raise public awareness about human rights with a series of short films featuring very...

Voces para nuestros derechos en el Fórum DDHH

Voices for our rights at the Human Rights Forum

Humans Fest this year organizes the Human Rights Forum to give voice to our rights. Parallel activities and meetings with directors as an ideal complement to the official sections of the festival. We start with strength and celebration with an opening party (Friday the 10th to...

Recta final para la inauguración de Humans Fest

Final stretch for the opening of Humans Fest

On Friday, February 10 at 8:15 p.m., the Valencia International Film and Human Rights Festival, Humans Fest, kicks off. It will be an evening to raise awareness about our rights and at the same time, celebrate those that we have conquered,...

Lo que no puedes perderte de la octava edición de Humans Fest

What you can't miss from the eighth edition of Humans Fest

The eighth edition of Humans Fest, an international film and Human Rights festival, comes with everything: ten feature films, seven shorts, three unpublished documentaries, two world premieres, a Human Rights Forum and new venues. In this article we tell you what not...

