Three years after the signing of the “State Pact against Corruption and for Civic Regeneration”, interest was focused on checking how far the signatories had come in fulfilling their commitments. For this purpose, it was decided to monitor the measures by regrouping them in a regional level document, which was presented to civil society in December 2018.

In this report, the number of proposals was reduced to seventy-five, since only those corresponding to the level of the Valencian Autonomous Community were taken into account, sharing objectives and structure with the original document.

This modification, therefore, meant the consideration only of those measures on which legislation could be legislated from the regional and local levels, converting the Parliamentary Groups of the Valencian Cortes into the main actors on whom the responsibility of promoting the agreements fell. signed in the ceremony held in the Auditorium of the University of Valencia on December 9, 2015.