Women from different countries and continents (Africa, Latin America and Europe) gathered virtually on July 13, 2022, within the framework of a Meeting to promote “international alliances from a gender perspective: global networks of sisterhood” organized by the Chair of Cooperation and Sustainable Development of the University
Jaume I of Castelló.

Having listened to the situations of African women in the South African area, through the testimony of the Women Lead Movement entity related to women's reproductive health, the violence they face, economic inequality, the difficulty of access to education and the lack of economic empowerment, we stand in solidarity with the women of the area and offer them our support. Having listened to the problems of European women through the participation of the World March of Women - Belgian Coordinator, recognizing the diversity of European women and highlighting the problems they face, including femicides, economic violence or conservative policies. Regarding migration, we stand in solidarity with the women of the area and offer them our support.

Having heard the problems of indigenous women through the President of the National Organization of Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Women belonging to the Continental Link of Indigenous Women of the Americas – ECMIA in the area of Peru, related to the colonization of their knowledge, the classist economic violence, pollution and exploitation of their territories, we stand in solidarity with the women of the area and offer them our support.

Having heard the problems of Sahrawi women through the Management Team of the Sahrawi Gender School in the Western Sahara area related to emancipation, patriarchal interpretations of the sacred book and economic independence, we stand in solidarity with the women of the area and We offer them our support.

The problems that women face around the world have different manifestations but also common points that affect food sovereignty, climate change, equal and quality education at all levels and peacebuilding. For this reason, we propose similar solutions that involve building a dignified life free of violence of all kinds that takes into account the elements of intersectionality that pass through us and that influence our struggles.

Recognition that networks with a gender perspective contribute differential values to the resolution of existing problems by giving strength to alliances and allowing the visibility of the struggles of the different groups that comprise them. They also facilitate the path by including the gender perspective and the importance of defending women's rights, as well as reinforcing autonomous groups and empowering women's associations. The existence of alliances between women gives confidence and security to other women so that they also join together and expose their problems, seeking solutions together, resisting inequalities and violence, leaving no one out.

For the reasons stated, we propose an alliance that gives space to women, respecting their differences with empathy, that tries to make our various agendas compatible to carry out real transformations based on our common points. All of this, without rivalry and with mutual support. We reaffirm our conviction that only the joint and global work of women allows us to be strong and make our problems and struggles visible.

We state that from global networks of sorority, with an intersectional approach, we will be working for inclusive equality that allows us to advance in the achievement of effective, substantive and real equality for all humanity.

That is why we declare the need to:
● Facilitate, promote and support networks of contacts between women's organizations present today, favoring the creation of an increasingly dense network.

● Guarantee women's equality, as a stepping stone to achieve effective, substantive and real equality for all humanity.

● Ensure transparency when making alliances, giving space to diversity, guaranteeing recognition and respect for the views of different communities, peoples and cultures.

● Explain the different spaces of power and the representations of women within the movements and associations, guaranteeing the presence of women in all of them.

● Promote strategic transformation work with a gender perspective from within women's alliances and organizations.

● Commit to international human rights treaties that protect and express equality and non-discrimination, as well as the right to a life without violence against women, in all its manifestations, direct, structural and cultural.

● Design and implement joint initiatives, from a collaborative perspective and mutual knowledge that allow progress towards specific goals.

● Guarantee the addressing of the transversal issues considered most urgent identified: peace building, equal and quality education at all educational levels, food sovereignty, climate change and the fight against
violence against women.

● Promote the strengthening of women's alliances, at all levels.

● Make political agendas compatible.

● Take advantage of the common learning and lessons learned generated in women's alliances to continue moving forward.