What do we do
The Transformative Power of Art in Prison: A Fundación por la Justicia Initiative
In the Antoni Asunción Hernández Penitentiary Centre of Valencia, located in Picassent, art has become a powerful tool for change. The Fundación por la Justicia has carried out the project "Futuros en Libertad: Espacio Integr-Arte" (Futures in Freedom: Integr-Art Space), in which 20...
The project "Access to Justice through Ukraine" will be presented in Valencia on Saturday 1st July.
Next Saturday, July 1, at the San José – Jesuitas València Schools, a day will be held to present the “Access to Justice for Ukraine” project. This project, launched by the Justice Foundation, aims to compile the damages and...
Foundation for Justice promotes the approval of a Resolution that condemns the violation of freedom of expression and the press in El Salvador
The non-legal Proposition, derived from the initiative of the Foundation for Justice to submit for debate in the Human Rights Commission of Les Corts Valencianes the state of freedom of the press and expression in El Salvador, was approved last Wednesday, 1 of...