From Fundación por la Justicia we are raising funds to continue carrying out the educational project Morning School, in which we have been providing care to minors at risk of exclusion for 10 years, students of the Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados School in the Nazareth neighborhood.


The improvement of the Escoleta Matinal project also includes the inclusion of the health education and good practices; through the School of Families, Teachers and Students, with the involvement of the Pediatrics area of the Nazareth Primary Health Center and the commitment of teachers and students of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Valencia.


We work with the firm purpose of reduce school dropouts early and promote educational performance.


Help us through your donation to continue providing these boys and girls the opportunity to continue developing in a safe and friendly environment. Any contribution is helpful!


Click here to contribute your grain of sand