Fundación por la Justicia and Fundación Bancaja have just launched the fifteenth edition of this award that aims to recognize a career of service to justice conceived in its entirety and/or those initiatives or projects that collaborate in the improvement of global justice.

This year, the organizing entities have decided to increase the amount of the prize from 8,000 to 10,000 euros. Candidates may be submitted until November 5th and the prize will be awarded during the month of December.

The award, awarded for the first time in 1995 to Adolfo Suárez, has been awarded in successive editions to people and entities such as the Tribunal de las Aguas de la Vega in Valencia, the Association of Victims of Terrorism, the Association for the Search for Children and Missing Girls (El Salvador), Professor Muhammad Yunus (Bangladesh), Mrs. Bogaletch Gebre (Ethiopia), Father Vicente Berenguer (Mozambique), Dr. Pedro Cavadas (Valencia), Missionaries of Charity (India), the Jesuit Service to Refugees (Rome), MAIDES Foundation (Valencia), Richard Frechette, director of Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos in Haiti, to the criminal lawyer Julián Carlos Ríos Martín, and, in its latest edition, to the social entrepreneur Omar Islam Ali, for his intense work in defense of the rights of the population of the island of Lamu, in Kenya, and for the foundation of the Twashukuru Nursery School, which provides educational and food coverage to boys and girls in this region who are in a situation of extreme poverty.

