We present the 2021 Annual Report

The activities of the Foundation for Justice during 2021 have continued to be conditioned, as during 2020, by the pandemic derived from Covid-19, seeking to manage the effects that this has generated on the world population in the areas of health, economy, culture, international relations and, in general, throughout the social environment. A situation that has continued to confront us with unprecedented challenges in the immediate past and that has also made it impossible during this year to carry out many of the projects and activities planned by the Foundation for this year with the necessary normality.

However, the strategic momentum achieved in 2020 has continued, starting with the approval by the management bodies of several important documents that have become part of our daily life, and that summarize the values that have always constituted the objectives of Fundación por la Justicia: Gender Strategy, Education for Development Strategy, First Equality Plan, Volunteer Training Plan, General Training Plan, and Commitment of Fundación por la Justicia to the achievement of the Development Objectives Sustainable – Horizon 2030.

These documents comprise a series of commitments on the part of the Fundación por la Justicia with the people who make it up and with whom they feel involved in its objectives, reflecting the spirit and willingness to work that society demands.

Special mention within this section is the achievement of the “Fent company” seal. Equals in opportunities”, by which Fundación por la Justicia is identified as a Company recognized by the Generalitat Valenciana in terms of equal opportunities. Approved by the General Directorate of the Institut Valencià de les Dones, it explicitly recognizes the Foundation's will to align itself with Goal 5 of the SDGs on gender equality and the empowerment of women, and the work carried out with a gender focus. within the framework of Human Rights. In this line of work, in June 2021, the 2021-2024 Strategic Plan “Towards 2024” was approved, prepared by Martina Menguzzato Boulard, professor of Business Management, which constitutes the framework in which all decisions and actions to be taken by Fundación por la Justicia in the coming years, in order to guarantee its coherence with the mission and vision of what is expected of the organization in the future.

The Strategic Plan “Towards 2024” reflects that Fundación por la Justicia works for the rights of others to achieve a more just and peaceful society, under the motto “We want peace. We work for Justice.” This mission is based on solid values of peace, justice, solidarity, equality, respect for cultural diversity, commitment, independence, transparency and innovation.

Informe Anual 2021 Likewise, two other documents were prepared by the Foundation management: The first, of an internal nature, “List of Functions and Job Positions at FxJ Headquarters”, includes the design of the personnel structure appropriate to the work needs of the foundation. It is the axis on which human resources management pivots, an organizational tool. We also want to thank the solidarity of our partners and ambassador companies, institutions and organizations that have always given us their support and without whom it would not be possible to carry out our founding objectives.

Ana María Fuertes Eugenio

Informe Anual 2021 (1304 downloads )