Social action

"If you judge people, you don't have time to love them.".

Teresa of Calcutta

In order to meet our objective of CREATING OPPORTUNITIES for the most vulnerable groups or at risk of social exclusion we develop Social Action programmes complementary to the assistance services provided by the StateThe main objective of these programmes is to meet the most basic needs that, for various reasons, a population group cannot satisfy.

At present our main Social Action project is the Escola Matinal de Nazaret which has been supporting children in the neighbourhood for 10 years.

Related projects

Fundación por la Justicia participa en el encuentro internacional «El arte abre la cárcel: Refugios artísticos en contextos de encierro»

The Foundation for Justice participates in the international meeting “Art opens the prison: Artistic refuges in contexts of confinement”

The project led by the Foundation for Justice at the Picassent penitentiary centre works through art to promote the social transformation of inmates. Theatre is not only a tool for artistic expression, but also a powerful means of social transformation. This is demonstrated by Paula Sánchez, a worker at the Picassent prison.

Fundación por la Justicia lidera un proyecto de empoderamiento para mujeres internas del centro de Picassent

Foundation for Justice leads an empowerment project for female inmates at the Picassent center

Creation of audio documents: an empowerment project for female inmates at the Picassent prison Fundación por la Justicia, in collaboration with several entities and with funding from the Valencia City Council through the Department of Social Services, has launched a project for women deprived of liberty at the Picassent penitentiary. This project focuses on the creation of audio documents, a space where participants can tell their stories and experiences.

Fundación por la Justicia en programa El Rall À Punt: ‘La cultura como herramienta para la inclusión social’.

Foundation for Justice in the Rall À Punt programme: 'Culture as a tool for social inclusion'.

On January 19th, we had the pleasure of participating in the program “El Rall” on À Punt, where we shared an inspiring conversation about how we work at the Foundation for Justice to create opportunities for social inclusion. During the interview, we discussed some of our most significant projects, such as the Natzaret Morning School, the impact of culture on our work and the initiatives that move us after more than 30 years of work. Natzaret Morning School

Unidos por la protección a la naturaleza: Fundación por la Justicia Colabora con FUNDEM

United for the protection of nature: Foundation for Justice Collaborates with FUNDEM

   Fundación por la Justicia joins the protection of nature as a sponsor of FUNDEM. The collaboration is part of the compensation of environmental impact of Fundación por la Justicia's film festival: Humans Fest. At Fundación por la Justicia we are convinced that the fight for Human Rights must go hand in hand with a commitment to the environment. For this reason, this year we have decided to take a step further in our mission to promote social justice and the environment.

Éxito del estreno del documental Escuela Vecinal/Paraguay en Espacio La Misti

Successful premiere of the documentary Escuela Vecinal/Paraguay at Espacio La Misti

Yesterday, at Espacio La Misti, the long-awaited premiere of the documentary "Escuela Vecinal/Paraguay" took place, a testimony of the struggle of neighborhood activism in Paraguay against institutionalized corruption. This space, known for being a self-managed place and a direct connection with neighborhood associations, fosters a culture centered on the local context and citizen participation. In an intimate and participatory environment, La Misti once again established itself as a reference for...

Retos y resiliencia en la lucha por los derechos humanos en Paraguay

Challenges and resilience in the fight for human rights in Paraguay

Civil and neighborhood associations play a crucial role in the defense of human rights and the fight against corruption, a problem deeply rooted in the country's sociopolitical structure. From the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner to contemporary challenges, these associations have been the main mechanism of resistance and support for the most vulnerable communities. A context marked by corruption and inequality Paraguay faces serious problems...

Primeros avances del documental Escuela Vecinal/Paraguay

First previews of the documentary Escuela Vecinal/Paraguay

We share with you the first previews of the documentary Escuela Vecinal/Paraguay, about the defense of human rights, produced by Fundación por la Justicia with the collaboration of Fedem Paraguay and directed by Mónica Ismael, within the framework of a project financed by the Vice-Presidency and Ministry of Social Services, Equality and Housing of the GVA. Watch the first teaser Watch the second teaser This film reflects the struggle of neighborhood activism in Paraguay.

La Lucha vecinal Paraguaya  por la defensa de los derechos ciudadanos

The Paraguayan Neighborhood Struggle for the Defense of Citizens' Rights

From Fundación por la Justicia we present an innovative project that aims to make visible and defend Paraguayan activists in a context marked by corruption and the violation of social and civil rights. This project, which will be carried out in Valencia, seeks to raise awareness about the situation of human rights defenders in Paraguay, while establishing collaboration networks between Valencian and Paraguayan organizations. Programming The project...

Asamblea de la CONGD

CONGD Assembly

The Valencian Coordinator of ONGD – which brings together 110 entities from the entire Community – will celebrate the 7th and 8th of June and the second Ordinary General Assembly, in which it has vindicated the importance of work in the world and the need for The political forces respond to citizen demands regarding the Valencian policy of international cooperation, more necessary than in a context marked by a multiplication of socio-political crises and global conflicts. “No pot haver-hi...