Patronage and staff

At 1994, 30 years ago, a group of professionals in the field of justice, daring adventurers of illusion, we come together around a common purpose: the certainty that it was possible, politically profitable, socially required and ethically essential to commit to a different, committed, accessible and close justice.

Today we continue working to combat any type of injustice, after having incorporated into our organization highly qualified professionals from the University, the company, Consumer and User associations and civil society

We are an organization non-profit, independent and non-denominational, which works for the promotion and defense of human rights, both in Spain and in the most disadvantaged countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Our essential function is to denounce injustice and defend opportunities for the restoration of rights and creation of instruments that make a more just society possible

We like to remember our motto, which is stated in that “we want peace and we work for justice” and that inalienable commitment is based on four essential elements:

  • The reasoned conviction of the rights we defend;
  • Coherence from ethics to the chosen values;
  • Its practical implementation, which helps improve people's lives
  • The commitment to the people and communities with which we ally and share aspirations and proposals
José Mª Tomás y Tío, President of the Foundation for Justice


José Mª Tomás y Tío



Magistrate, with postings in Ibiza, San Sebastián, Elche and Valencia (1977-1990).
Dean of the Judges of Valencia (1990-1998)
President of the Second Section of the Provincial Court (2000-2020)
Civil Registrar (2020-2021)
Member of GEMME (Group of Magistrates Experts in Mediation)
Lecturer in Criminal Law at the University of Valencia (1985-1990)
Director of the School of Legal Practice of the ICAV (1999-2008)
President of the International Tribunal for the Implementation of Restorative Justice in El Salvador (since 2009)

Ana María Fuertes

Ana Mª Fuertes



Ana María Fuertes Eugenio
Professor of Applied Economics, she has been Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics and Vice-Rector of International Relations and Cooperation at the UJI. She has been director of the Master's Degree in Management and Promotion of Local Development and the Master's Degree in Development Cooperation. She has managed as principal investigator ten AECI and GV International Cooperation Programmes. She has been director of FxJ since 2018.

María José Marco



- Lawyer
- Member of CMICAV
- Professional career linked to the fields of social economy, entrepreneurship and equal opportunities.
- Head of the legal department
- Training and Employment Officer (IVD)
- European Programme Manager
- Member of the European network "Femmes vers l'Emploi".

Mónica Escamilla Condés



Salvador Alborch Domínguez

Deputy Secretary


Notary City of Valencia

Ana Isabel Móner

Lawyer AVACU


Lawyer AVACU

Rafael Fernández-Delgado Cerdá



Paediatrician. Head of Paediatric Oncohematology Section. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia. Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Valencia.

Vicente Cuñat Edo

Professor of Commercial Law


Professor of Commercial Law.
Professor Emeritus of UV.
He has been a member of the Legal Consultiu Council of the Valencian Community.

Clara Arnal

Founder and director of Juntos por la Vida (Together for Life)


She is currently president of the foundation Juntos por la Vida (Together for Life) and member of other associations and cultural and development cooperation entities. She has held positions of responsibility in private companies, in the Spanish Red Cross and in the Unesco Heritage Club. She has spent the last 15 years leading Volunteer, Development Cooperation and Corporate Social Responsibility projects, both in Spain and abroad.

Luis Miguel Romero 



Lawyer. Dean of the Valencia Bar Association; President of the Valencian Council of Bar Associations; Vice-President of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers; President of the Federation of Bar Associations of Europe and North Africa; Director of the Mutualidad Abogacía; President and Honorary Perpetual President of the Union of Professional Associations of the Valencian Community and Valencia; President of the Royal Valencian Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation; corresponding member of the Academies of Granada, Barcelona, Córdoba (Argentina) and Mexico; member of the Secretariat of the Ibero-American Union of Bar Associations; Presidency Council of the International Union of Lawyers. Honorary Consul of Ukraine in the Community of Valencia. Main distinctions: Grand Cross of Merit of the Spanish Bar; Grand Cross of Merit of the Valencia Bar; 1st Distinguished Cross of the Order of San Raimundo de Peñafort; Gold Button of the Mutualidad de la Abogacía; Cross of Honour of the Order of San Miguel (Ukraine); Medal of Honour of the Taras Sevchenko National University of Kiev.

Ana Maria Cervera Sanchez

PhD in Contemporary History


. PhD in Contemporary History from the University of Valencia
. Publications on the Second Republic and Transition
. Participation and presentations at Congresses of the Association of Contemporary History and the
Association of Communication Historians
. Diploma Courses in Social Work at the Higher School of Savings Banks
. Cultural Manager at the Mediterranean Savings Bank (1986-1997)
Financial management at the Mediterranean Savings Bank (1997-2012)
. Collaborator and editor of competitive examination topics. MAD Publishing House
. Participation and organization in Congresses and forums on Human Rights
. Cultural volunteer (Heritage Area) at Universitat de València-La Nau

Martina Menguzzato Boulard

PhD in Economics and Business Administration and Professor at the University of Valencia


She has been Director of the Doctorate Programme "Business Management" at the University of Valencia (1993 - 2009); Director of the Department of Business Management at the University of Valencia (1986-1990 and 1996-2000); President of the Scientific Association of Economics and Business Management (2008-2010) of which she is currently a member of the Honorary Council; Director or co-director of several masters at the University of Valencia: "International Executive MBA" organised jointly with Anglia University, and sponsored by Ford (1998-2006); "Master in Shopping Centre Management" (1999-2001); "Master in Family Business Management" organised in collaboration with the Valencia Chamber of Commerce, and IVEFA (2000 - 2003); "MBA.Dirección y gestión de Empresas" organised in collaboration with the Valencia Chamber of Commerce (2003 - 2009); Co-editor of the scientific journal M@n@gement. An International Research Review of Management (2005-2008); Author and co-author of several books, including Menguzzato.M and Renau. J.J. (1991, 1992, 1995). "La dirección estratégica de la empresa" Ed. ARIEL; and numerous articles published in national and international scientific journals, and papers presented at national and international scientific conferences, mainly on Strategic Management, Cooperation and Alliances, Internationalisation, Entrepreneurship; Member of the scientific council of AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Stratégique) (1995-2004); Director of 12 doctoral theses, 4 with the mention of "European Doctorate" and 2 with an extraordinary doctorate prize; President of the jury of the "Juan Jose Renau" Research Prize of the Fundació Universitària Vall d'Albaida, from its creation in 1999 to the present day.

Manuela Gómez 

Graduate in Economics and Business Administration, University of Valencia


Program for Management Development, ESADE Business School; Master in International Trade Management, ESIC Business & Marketing School. Expert in institutional relations, company internationalisation and entrepreneurship, with more than 20 years of experience leading international projects and advising companies in the internationalisation process. Expert in European financing, specialist in organising trade missions. Extensive experience in coordinating activities with the media and in managing multidisciplinary teams aimed at achieving objectives.

She currently directs the European and International Projects Office of the Universitat Jaume I-Empresa Foundation (FUE-UJI), and is a member of the Networking Directives Association (NDCS). She has been director of the business information department in the area of foreign trade of the Castellón Chamber of Commerce and of the Startup Europe Awards promoted by the European Commission with the aim of recognising the work of the most innovative Startups in Europe. Member of the working group "Natural Capital"; she has participated in the European programme for the mobility of climate change experts, Pioneers of EIT Climate-KIC. She has a high level of Spanish, English and Romanian.

Alejandro Mañes Martínez

Graduate in Economics and Law from the Universitat de València.


Doctorate courses on: Local Treasuries. Control of Public Expenditure. Non-Competitive Forms of the Market and Simple and Extended Reproduction Schemes. Administrative Problems of Spanish Exports.

Diploma in Advanced Studies. Applied Economics. University of Valencia.

Postgraduate scholarship Deyfor Foundation.

Annual Course on the European Communities, Diplomatic School.

European training seminar, College of Europe in Bruges.

IESE Business Management Course.


1971 and 1972, business organisation office, Antonio Ivars Moreno, Valencia.

From 1972 to 1984, Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Valencia. Since 1974 as Deputy Secretary and Assistant Secretary.

Technical Secretary in 1984 and 1985 of the Institute of Small and Medium Industry (Impiva) of the Generalitat Valenciana.

General Manager of the Valencia International Trade Fair from 1985 to 1996.

Manager of the General Foundation of the University of Valencia from 1997 to 2001, commemoration of the V Centenary, Cinc Segles.

Since 2001 independent director of various private companies. Member of the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Valencia from 02.11.04 to 25.10.10 and of the Territorial Board of Mapfre from 27. 04. 05 until the integration of the Board at state level from 2014.


He has given courses and participated in the elaboration of several research works on the European Union and different sectors of the Valencian economy.

Regular contributor to different media such as El País CV, Levante, El Boletín de Empresas, Valencia plaza and Economía 3. He has published several books on economic and social issues. Member of several cultural and social organisations.

Regina Laguna

Professor, lawyer and journalist


Teacher, lawyer and journalist. As a lecturer at the Universitat de València, I give classes of
Legal Institutions of the European Union. Between 2015 and 2016, I was "Directora General de Relacions
amb la Unió Europea i L'Estat" and Delegate in Brussels for the Generalitat Valenciana.

Antonio Lopez-Pena Duble

Human Resources Director


Graduate in Law from the University of Valencia
Specialisation in Labour Law
Since 1970, I have developed my professional life in EL CORTE INGLÉS, S.A.
Initially I joined the Madrid headquarters, from where I was transferred to Barcelona and
later to Valencia, in order to collaborate in the inauguration of the Valencia Shopping Centre.
Pintor Sorolla, in 1971.
Since then, I have been working as the company's Chief of Staff, and I have been working as the company's
This meant that, in 1982, as Head of Personnel, he assisted with the inauguration of the
New Centre.
From 1987 to 1998 I was appointed Regional Director of Human Resources for the
Valencian Community, during which time I undertook the staffing for the
inauguration of the Ademuz Shopping Centre (Hipercor), of the Centro Comercial de la
Avenida de Francia, as well as the shopping centre that opened in Castellón.
It was also during this time that I managed the integration of Galerías Preciados after its acquisition.
by El Corte Inglés as well as Mark & Spencer.
Subsequently, I was appointed as General Manager of the Pintor de Pintor Shopping Centres.
Sorolla, 26 - Colon, 27 y Colon 1, with a staff of approximately 2000.

Juan Rafael Alegre López

Juan Rafael Alegre López

Labor Inspector


Juan Rafael Alegre López. Patron FXJ

Retired labour inspector
head of the AGROSOLIDARIS programme for training and employment in organic farming at FXJ

Juan Rafael Alegre López

Juan Molpeceres Pastor

Lawyer and Criminologist


Lawyer and criminologist, practicing since 1994, dedicated to law
penal and juvenile criminal law, professor of the master's degree in
Lawyer, legal advisor to the Valencia City Council in the program of
juvenile court measures and President of the entity declared of
public utility Casal de la Pau.

Rebeca Lino

Rebeca Lino

Vice-Dean of the ICAV


Practising lawyer since February 2002 specialising in immigration law and currently Vice-Dean of the ICAV since January 2023.

José Antonio Nuño de la Rosa Amores

Prosecutor of the TSJCV



  •  He joined the Prosecutor's Office on 17 December 1987.
  •  On 9 January 1988, he took up his post as Public Prosecutor at the Provincial Court of Cordoba.
  •  On 12 February 1990, he took up his post as Public Prosecutor at the High Court of Justice of the Valencian Community.
  •  By Royal Decree 1361/91 of 6 September, he was promoted by H.M. King Juan Carlos I to the rank of Public Prosecutor, a post he has held since then at the High Court of Justice of the Valencian Community and currently at the Provincial Public Prosecutor's Office of Valencia.
  •  He has been a member of the following sections of the Valencia Public Prosecutor's Office: Economic Crimes, Aliens, Environment and has been coordinator of the Forest Fires Section.
  • He is currently Coordinator-Visitor of the Criminal Section of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office of Valencia.


Rebeca Lino

Antonio Paños



Antonio Paños is an economist with more than 30 years of experience in the banking sector and another 12 years of consultancy focused on financial and organisational issues.

Concerned with influencing the nearest square centimetre to make the world a better place and trying to add value to what he is involved in.

Gemma Fajardo García

Gemma Fajardo García

Doctor of Law


Doctor of Law
Lecturer in Commercial Law. University of Valencia
Researcher at the International Centre for Research on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy (CIRIEC).


José María Tomás y Tío, Magistrate
Ana Isabel Móner Romero, Lawyer
Luis Miguel Romero Villafranca, Lawyer
Alejandro Mañes Martínez, Economist and Lawyer
Regina Laguna Micó, Journalist and Lawyer
Juan Rafael Alegre Lopez, Labour Inspector
Mónica Escamilla Condés, Lawyer
Salvador Alborch Domínguez, Notary Public
Ana María Fuertes Eugenio. Professor of Applied Economics
Manuela Gómez Villalonga, Economist
Clara Arnal Mifsut, Psychologist
Martina Menguzzato Boulard, Professor of Business Administration
Rafael Fernández-Delgado Cerdá, Paediatrician
Antonio López-Pena Dublé, Director of Human Resources
Rebeca Lino, Vice Dean of the ICAV
María José Marco Rubio, Lawyer
José Antonio Nuño de la Rosa Amores, Public Prosecutor of the TSJCV
Antonio Paños Picazo, Economist
Isabel Gemma Fajardo García, PhD in Law
Ana Maria Cervera Sanchez. PhD in Contemporary History
Vicente Cuñat Edo. Professor of Commercial Law
Juan Molpeceres Pastor. Lawyer and Criminologist



Government Commission
President: Maria Jose Marco Rubio

Projects Commission
Chair: Rafael Fernández-Delgado Cerdá

Equality Commission
President: Ana Isabel Moner Romero

Economic Commission
Chairwoman: Martina Menguzzato Boulard

Legal Commission
President: Salvador Alborch Domínguez


Director of Projects and Management
Aitana Gisbert

Project Technique
Rosana Gómez

Pilar Durán Cuellar

Joanna Gimenez i Garcia



Alejandro Mollá Descals, Catedrático Marketing, Univ. Valencia
Santiago Rincón Velázquez, Forensic Doctor
Aurelio Martínez Esteve, Catedrático Economía Aplicada, Univ. of Valencia
Manuel Ferrer Beltrán, Doctor in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of the Univ. Valencia.
Jorge Cardona Llorens, Catedrático Dº Internacional Público, Univ. of Valencia
Manuela Carmena Castrillo, Magistrada
Izabel Rigo Portocarrero. University Professor of International Law
María Iborra Juan, Lecturer in Business Management
Adolfo Porcar Rodilla, Lawyer



His Excellency Mr. Adolfo Suárez. Former President of the Spanish Government.
I Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (1995)
Architect of Spain's peaceful transition

Water Court of the Vega de Valencia. Designated Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
II Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (1998)
Medieval model of community justice in force

Association of Victims of Terrorism. Entity declared to be of Public Utility.
III Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (2001)
Offering forgiveness from suffering

Asociación Pro-Búsqueda de Niños y Niñas Desaparecidos de El Salvador.
IV Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Prize (2004)
In search of truth and justice

Mr Muhammad Yunus. Nobel Peace Prize 2006, Prince of Asturias Award 1998.
V Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (2006)
The banker to the poor

Ms. Bogaletch Gebre. King Baudouin Africa Development Prize 2013.
VI Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (2007)
Fighter against female mutilation

Father Vicente Berenguer. In recognition of his more than 40 years of dedication to educational development in Mozambique.
VII Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (2008)
Equal training for all

Doctor D. Pedro Cavadas. Valencian International University Award.
VIII Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (2009)
Universal restorative physician

Sisters of Charity of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Valencian International University Award.
IX Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (2010)
Poor with the poorest

Jesuit Refugee Service. Dedicated to helping all those who have been driven from their homes by conflict, humanitarian disasters or human rights violations.
X Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (2011)
Displaced and excluded from their land

MAIDES Foundation. For its work with the mentally ill and AIDS patients. 
XI Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (2012)
Priority for the mentally handicapped

Father Richard Frechette. Founder and Alma Mater of "Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos".
XII Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (2013)
Vital commitment from medicine and faith

Dr. Julian Carlos Ríos Martín. For his personal commitment to the defence of prisoners' rights and the improvement of penitentiary laws.
XIII Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (2014)
Advocate for the rights of the unaccompanied minors

Omar Islam Ali. For the regeneration and boosting of the population of Lamu, a small Kenyan island, and support for the education of the community in this region.
XIV Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (2017)
Educating from music and the environment in your country

José Palazón Osma and María Teresa Echarte Mellado. Association for Children's Rights. For their work in the protection of the rights of migrant minors.
XV Fundación por la Justicia-Fundación Bancaja Award (2018)
Reception of minors at the border

Pepe Mujica Cordano. For his vital trajectory of personal and institutional commitment to Human Rights and Justice.
I Human Rights Prize, awarded by FxJ and the CVCA (2019)
Honesty in public and private life