
12 + 7 =



Levante EMV | 22.11.2024

Let's take the word for Alejandro Mañes
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Levante EMV | 20.11.2024

Dana and Childhood by Rafael Fernandez-Delgado
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Levante EMV | 16.11.2024

Social enterprise and social economy by Gemma Fajardo
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Levante EMV | 14.11.2024

Presences by Jose Maria Tomas and Uncle
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Levante EMV | 29.10.2024

European Day of Justice by Luis Miguel Romero Villafranca
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Levante EMV | 22.10.2024

Vultures of the technosphere by Elena Vecino
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Levante EMV | 16.10.2024

Day of Dignity by Alejandro Mañes
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Levante EMV | 10.10.2024

Thou shalt not kill by Ana Moner
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Levante EMV | 1.10.2024

For a culture of peace by Iza Rigo
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Levante EMV | 19.9.2024

Model of Justice by Mabel Manglano
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Levante EMV | 5.9.2024

Welcome, President by José María Tomás and Tio
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Levante EMV | 2.9.2024

There is still hope for Andrea Navarro
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Levante EMV | 16.7.2024

The lesson of football by Alejandro Mañes
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The Provinces | 15.7.2024

The Excuse by Jorge Cardona
Read opinion | 10.7.2024

European Council of the Judiciary by José María Tomás y Tío
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Levante-EMV | 2.7.2024

In defense of Human Rights defenders by Regina Laguna
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Europa Press | 26.6.2024

The Nazareth Morning School of the Fundación por la Justicia closes the school year with support for 25 families
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The Newspaper Here | 26.6.2024

The Nazareth Morning School of the Fundación por la Justicia closes the school year with support for 25 families
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Levante-EMV | 20.6.2024

When the bombing stops by Elena Vecino
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Levante-EMV | 5.6.2024

Who should take care of the environment? by Izabel Rigo
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Levante-EMV | 17.5.2024

Fighting for a home: Beyond Equal Marriage by Laura Moreno
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Levante-EMV | 9.5.2024

Humanism and democracy in the face of the abduction of Europe by Ana María Cervera
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The Newspaper Here | 7.5.2024

Fundación por la Justicia organizes a solidarity concert to benefit the Escoleta Matinal de Nazaret
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Levante-EMV | 3.5.2024

Freedom of the press and the environment by Luis Miguel Romero Villafranca
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Levante-EMV | 4/22/2024

A festival to recover our belonging to the land and the territory by Majo Siscar
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Levante-EMV | 4/21/2024

Creativity and innovation in the age of AI by Sonia Díez
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Levante-EMV | 16.4.2024

Entrepreneurship requires continuous learning by José María Gassalla
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Levante-EMV | 7.4.2024

Health and education go hand in hand Rafael Fernández-Delgado
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Levante-EMV | 26.3.2024

Climate justice, environmental and social need by Francisco Marco
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Levante-EMV | 20.3.2024

Happiness: the shelter of the soul by Mar García
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Levante-EMV | 15.3.2024

The power of speech by José María Gassalla
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Levante-EMV | 8.3.2024

A hook from the left against equality by Regina Laguna
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Levante-EMV | 3.2.2024

Law and its social commitment: International Lawyer's Day by Jacobo Muñoz
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Levante-EMV | 30.1.2024

Cultivating peace and non-violence in the classrooms by Sonia Díez 
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Levante-EMV | 11.1.2024

Why be grateful by Salvador Alborch
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Horta News | 12/20/2023

The Morning School of Nazareth, of the Foundation for Justice, celebrates a decade
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Cadena SER | 19.12.2023

Fundación por la Justicia: ten years helping the children of Nazareth
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Levante-EMV | 19.12.2023

Do migrants matter? by Alejandro Mañes
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Levante-EMV | 15.12.2023

Foundation for Justice will receive the Menció Colibrí 2023
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Levante-EMV |5.12.2023

Your altruistic self, your happy self by Clara Arnal
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Levante-EMV |25.11.2023

Building a World of Equality by Ana María Fuertes
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Levante-EMV |20.11.2023

Does the global situation of children allow us to live in peace? by Rafael Fernadez-Delgado
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Levante-EMV |16.11.2023

Tolerance is respect by Ana Moner
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El | 8.11.2023

Fundación por la Justicia presents the project "Abriendo Senderos" for the inclusion of young people in nature.
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Levante-EMV |25.10.2023

In defence of human dignity by Salvador Alborch
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Europa Press| Photos | 19.10.2023

Fundación por la Justicia brings audiovisual creation to Picassent prison
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El Periódico de Aquí| 23.10.2023

Fundación por la Justicia brings audiovisual creation to Picassent prison
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Levante-EMV |10.10.2023

Home by Elena Vecino
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Levante-EMV |21.09.2023

Beyond Borders and Conflicts by Jacobo Muñoz
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Levante-EMV |15.09.2023

Democracy is not an empty concept by Ana María Cervera
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Levante-EMV | 31.08.2023

Universal Commitment to Human Development and Social Justice in the 21st Century by Ana María Fuertes
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Levante-EMV | 26.07.2023

Tribune by José María Tomás: Governance
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El | 2.07.2023

More than 100 Ukrainian families attend the presentation of the project "Access to Justice for Ukraine".
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CV News| 1.07.2023

More than 100 Ukrainian families attend the presentation of the project "Access to Justice for Ukraine".
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El | 26.06.2023

The project "Access to Justice through Ukraine" will be presented in Valencia on Saturday 1st July.
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Levante-EMV | 17.05.2023

Reflections by Laura Moreno: Behind every window, there dwells a Gloria
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Levante-EMV | 3.05.2023

Tribune by Luis Miguel Romero Villafranca: Press freedom versus courts of law
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Levante-EMV | 16.04.2023

El Mirador by José María Gasalla: Dare to live, not only to subsist
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El | 12.04.2023

Minister Irene Montero highlights the advantages of the Trans Law in a documentary for Fundación por la Justicia
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El Periódico de Aquí | 12.04.2023

Minister Irene Montero highlights the advantages of the Trans Law in a documentary for Fundación por la Justicia
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Levante-EMV | 12.04.2023

Opinion by Elena Vecino: The street is inhabited
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Levante-EMV | 7.04.2023

Opinion by Rafael Fernadez-Delgado: Health: A Global Challenge
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Levante-EMV | 24.03.2023

Miradas by Clara Arnal: The Good Truth
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Levante-EMV | 20.03.2023

Tribune by José María Gasalla: Happiness
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Levante-EMV | 8.03.2023

Reflections by Laura Moreno: (Re)thinking care for a dignified life
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El | 27.02.2023

Fundación por la Justicia promotes a project with universities to make the Sustainable Development Goals a reality
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Correspondents | 27.02.2023

Fundación por la Justicia promotes a project with universities to make the Sustainable Development Goals a reality
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Levante-EMV | 23.02.2023

La Mirada by José María Tomás: Our war in Ukraine, one year later 
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Levante-EMV | 11.02.2023

Reflections: That everything in life is cinema, and dreams, cinema they are for Ana María Cervera
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Europa Press : 3.02.2023

Generators collected to help Ukrainian families fight cold weather
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El | 3.02.2023

Fundación por la Justicia and Together for Life deliver 46 generators to Ukrainian families
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Valencia Plaza | 3.02.2023

Two NGOs collect generators to help Ukrainian families combat cold weather
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Levante-EMV | 3.02.2023

Reflections: Fighting advocacy by Luis Miguel Romero Villafranca
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Levante-EMV | 30.01.2023

Reflections: The only way by Monica Escamilla
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Levante-EMV | 11.01.2023

Reflections: The memory of the heart by María José Marco
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Europa Press | 11.01.2023

Fundación por la Justicia and Together for Life seek to collect 300 generators to overcome the cold in Ukraine
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Levante-EMV | 11.01.2023

Fundación por la Justicia and Together for Life are seeking 300 generators to send to Ukraine.

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Levante-EMV | 29.12.2022

Tribune: If I could write by José María Tomás
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35 millimetres | 20.06.2022

XIII Humans Fest (2022): Film and Human Rights Festival
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Territori clandestí (Ràdio 4 - RTVE) | 19.06.2022

Interview with the director Dorian Fernández for the European premiere of "La Pampa" at Humans Fest and Majo Siscar, director of the festival.
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À Punt | 18.06.2022

The portraits of female migration by Mijke de Jong and Roser Corella win the Humans Fest
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La Vanguardia | 18.06.2022

Humans Fest awards the vision on migration of Roser Corella and De Jong
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Culturplaza | 18.06.2022

Mijke De Jong and Roser Corella star in the list of winners of the 13th Humans Fest
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À Punt NTC (informatiu nit) | 18.06.2022

News about the awards of the XIII edition of Humans Fest
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Europa Press | 18.06.2022

Directors Mijke De Jong and Roser Corella, winners of the Official Feature Film Section of the XIII Humans Fest
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20 minutos | 18.06.2022

Directors Mijke De Jong and Roser Corella, winners of the Official Feature Film Section at Humans Fest
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COPE | 18.06.2022

Humans Fest awards the vision on migration of Roser Corella and De Jong
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EFE Agency | 18.06.2022

Humans Fest awards the vision on migration of Roser Corella and De Jong
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Next stop (À Punt ràdio) | 17.06.2022

Interview with the actress Luisa Gavasa, the director Anna Bofarull and the producer Marian Matachana for their participation in Humans Fest with the film "Sinjar".
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Diari La Veu | 17.06.2022

The fourth anniversary of the arrival of the Aquarius stars in the Humans Fest event
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EFE Agency | 17.06.2022

Migrants from the Aquarius fear a change of government that will worsen their situation
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Levante-EMV | 17.06.2022

Humans Fest organises a screening and a colloquium on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Aquarius
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Bona vesprada (À Punt TV) | 16.06.2022

Live interview with the director Dorian Fernández for his European premiere at the Humans Fest
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20 Minutos | 16.06.2022

Humans Fest organises a screening and a colloquium on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of Aquarius
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Culturplaza | 16.06.2022

Humans Fest remembers the arrival of the Aquarius
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La Vanguardia | 16.06.2022

Humans Fest organises a screening and a colloquium on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Aquarius
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Europa Press | 16.06.2022

Humans Fest organises a screening and a colloquium on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Aquarius
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Culturplaza | 16.06.2022

Humans Fest premiere: Two Afghan refugee women step in front of the camera to tell their story in 'Along the way'.
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A la aventura (À Punt TV) | 16.06.2022

Report on the premiere of the documentary "Tú eliges" at the Picassent prison and interviews to its authors together with Majo Siscar, director of Humans Fest.
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À Punt NTC (informatiu de migdia) | 15.06.2022

News about the premiere of the documentary "Tú eliges" at the prison of Picassent, one of the official screenings of the festival
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Saó Magazine | 13.06.2022

The photojournalism exhibition 'Marcats per l'odi' arrives in València thanks to Humans Fest
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CVONGD | 13.06.2022

The film and human rights festival Humans Fest will screen a European and a world premiere in Valencia this week.
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Culturplaza | 13.06.2022

Humans Fest reflects on misinformation and racism during health emergency
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Podríem fer-ho millor (À Punt ràdio) | 11.06.2022

Interview with the director Roser Corella for her participation in the Official Section of Humans Fest with the documentary "Room without a view".
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Les notícies del matí (À Punt ràdio) | 10.06.2022

Interview with Majo Siscar together with Sergi González and Laura Pérez Gómez, who directed short films participating in the official section.
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Cope | 09.06.2022

What to do in Valencia this weekend?
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À Punt NTC (informatiu de la nit) | 09.06.2022

Inauguration of the 13th edition of Humans Fest
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Un torrent de cinema (SomCom) | 09.06.2022

Programme 01: interview with Majo Siscar as director of Humans Fest
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Next stop (À Punt ràdio) | 09.06.2022

A taste of Humans Fest for its inauguration: interview with Pedro Peira, director of La Queenciañera
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Levante-EMV | 09.06.2022

Marcats per l'odi', a photojournalist's look at the extreme right in the world, arrives in Valencia
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CulturPlaza | 09.06.2022

Photojournalism to uncover lives 'scarred by hate'.
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Europa Press | 09.06.2022

Marcats per l'odi', a photojournalist's look at the extreme right in the world, arrives in Valencia
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20 Minutos | 09.06.2022

Marcats per l'odi', a photojournalist's look at the extreme right in the world, arrives in Valencia
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À Punt NTC (informatiu de migdia) | 09.06.2022

The photojournalism exhibition "Marcats per l'odi" arrives in Valencia by Humans Fest
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València Extra | 09.06.2022

The photojournalism exhibition 'Marcats per l'odi' comes to Valencia with Humans Fest
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elperiò | 09.06.2022

The photojournalism exhibition 'Marcats per l'odi' comes to Valencia with Humans Fest
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Diari La Veu | 09.06.2022

Humans Fest opens 13th edition at the Filmoteca de València this Thursday
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Hortanoticias | 09.06.2022

The Filmoteca de València hosts the opening of the Humans Fest festival
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Comarcal CV | 09.06.2022

The 13th edition of the festival Humans Fest kicks off at the Filmoteca de València
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Cadena SER | 08.06.2022

Interview with Majo Siscar, director of the festival, and Patricia Azpelicueta, participant in our documentary workshop.
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València Extra | 08.06.2022

À Punt is now the official media of Humans Fest
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À Punt | 08.06.2022

À Punt is now the official media of Humans Fest
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AU-Agenda | 08.06.2022

XIII Humans Fest
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Verlanga | 08.06.2022

Humans Fest: short films, Docudays UA and other screenings
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elperiò | 08.06.2022

Cultura de la Generalitat hosts the opening of the 13th edition of the Humans Fest festival at the Filmoteca de València
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València Extra | 08.06.2022

The Filmoteca de València hosts the opening of the 13th edition of the Humans Fest festival
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Verlanga | 07.06.2022

Humans Fest: Official Documentary Film Section
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Verlanga | 06.06.2022

Humans Fest, the Official Section for fiction feature films

Verlanga | 05.05.2022

We check the line-up of the Humans Fest
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Levante EMV| 05.05.2022

Izabel Rigo: "The importance of Environment Day".
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20 Minutos | 04.05.2022

Illustrator Miguel Monkc creates the poster for the 13th edition of Humans Fest
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Europa Press | 04.05.2022

Illustrator Miguel Monkc creates the poster for the 13th edition of Humans Fest
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Levante | 03.05.2022

Ana Cervera: "Freedom of the press: an inalienable right". 
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Nou Horta | 03.05.2022

The Provincial Council collaborates with the international festival "Humans Fest".
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elperiò | 03.05.2022

The Diputació collaborates with the international festival "Humans Fest".
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València Extra | 03.05.2022

The Diputació de València collaborates with the international festival "Humans Fest".
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Valencia City (Capital Radio) | 02.06.2022

Interview with Majo Siscar on the presentation of the XIII edition of Humans Fest
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Diari La Veu | 02.06.2022

The 13th Humans Fest will screen more than 60 international films and documentaries on migration and refugee issues.
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Levante EMV | 02.06.2022

Ana Cervera: "Freedom of the press. An inalienable right".

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Bona vesprada (À Punt TV) | 01.06.2022

Live coverage of the presentation of Humans Fest 2022 at La Filmoteca
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Pròxima parada (À Punt ràdio) | 01.06.2022

Interview with Majo Siscar about the novelties of Humans Fest 2022
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À Punt (notícies) | 01.06.2022

Humans Fest will screen more than sixty international films and documentaries on migration and refugees
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À Punt NTC (informatiu de migdia) | 01.06.2022

News about the presentation of the XIII edition of Humans Fest
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Levante-EMV | 01.06.2022

Humans Fest to screen more than 60 films on migration
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20 Minutos | 01.06.2022

The 13th Humans Fest will screen more than 60 international films and documentaries on migration and refugee issues.
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Valencia Plaza | 01.06.2022

Humans Fest screens more than 60 international films on migration and refugee issues
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La Vanguardia | 01.06.2022

The 13th Humans Fest will screen more than 60 international films and documentaries on migration and refugee issues.
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EFE Agency | 01.06.2022

The XIII Humans Fest presents 60 films and documentaries on migration
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Love Valencia | 01.06.2022

Humans Fest Festival in Valencia
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CV News | 01.06.2022

The new edition of the Humans Fest will screen more than 60 films on migration and refugee issues.
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El Periódico de Aquí | 01.06.2022

The Diputació presents a new edition of the Humans Fest with more than 60 films on migration and refuge
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Digital People | 01.06.2022

The 13th Humans Fest will screen more than 60 international films and documentaries on migration and refugee issues.
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Hortanoticias | 01.06.2022

The Diputació presents a new edition of the Humans Fest with more than 60 films on migration and refuge
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El Periòdic | 01.06.2022

The Diputació de València presents a new edition of the Humans Fest with more than 60 films on migration and refugee issues.
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Info Túria | 01.06.2022

La Diputació presents the Humans Fest with more than 60 films on migration and refugee issues
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València Extra | 01.06.2022

The Diputació presents a new edition of the Humans Fest with more than 60 films on migration and refuge
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Responsible Journal | 29.04.2022

A practical guide to the role of volunteerism in achieving the SDGs
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Culturplaza | 25.04.2022

"Nada se compara a la mirada propia" and other migrant stories told by their protagonists.
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Levante | 20.04.2022

Ana Mª Fuertes: "Creativity and innovation in the SDGs". 
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Levante-EMV | 18.04.2022

Valencian cinema to defend migrants' fundamental rights
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Levante | 16.04.2022

Claudia Squillacioti: "The invisibility of child slavery". 
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Culturplaza | 13.04.2022

Humans Fest promotes audiovisual workshops to vindicate migration rights
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La Vanguardia | 13.04.2022

Humans Fest promotes audiovisuals to vindicate migration rights
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Levante-EMV | 13.04.2022

"You choose", the documentary produced in the Picassent prison
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Levante | 07.04.2022

Rafael Fernández: "Healthy living, a necessity, a universal right and a collective duty". 
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Levante | 24.03.2022

José Mª Tomás y Tío: "Truth is not transitory". 
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Official Press | 10.03.2022

Can Putin be prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity?
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Levante | 09.03.2022

International law expert: ICC could prosecute Putin in the long term
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EEF | 09.03.2022

International law expert: ICC could prosecute Putin in the long term
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Valencia Plaza | 08.03.2022

Regina Laguna: "A place for women in Vahalla".
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Levante-EMV | 24.02.2022

Picassent prisoners produce and record the documentary "Tú eliges" (You choose)
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Horta News | 24.02.2022

Picassent prisoners produce and record the documentary "Tú eliges" (You choose)
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Europa Press | 24.02.2022

Picassent prisoners produce and record the documentary "Tú eliges" (You choose)
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World Today | 23.02.2022

Humans Fest will screen films about migration to "move and mobilize".
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Culturplaza | 23.02.2022

Humans Fest will screen films on migration to "move and mobilise".
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Europa Press | 22.02.2022

Humans Fest will screen films on migration to "move and mobilise".
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20 minutes | 22.02.2022

Humans Fest will screen films on migration to "move and mobilise".
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PlazaTV | 02.02.2022

Defending human rights around the world and through film
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Levante EMV | 19.02.2022

Carmen Martí: Could you live with dignity on less than 1,000 euros a month?
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Provincias| 17.02.2022

Foundation for Justice, by Carlos Pajuelo
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Verlanga | 09.02.2022

Majo Siscar's GPS
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Culturplaza | 27.01.2022

Majo Siscar takes the helm of Humans Fest
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Levante EMV | 22.01.2022

Ana Móner: Why mediation?
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Levante EMV | 22.01.2022

Ana Cervera: International Day of Embrace
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Levante-EMV | 8.3.2024

Levante-EMV | 3.2.2024

Law and its social commitment: International Lawyer's Day by Jacobo Muñoz
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Levante-EMV | 30.1.2024

Cultivating peace and non-violence in the classrooms by Sonia Díez 
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Levante-EMV | 11.1.2024

Why be grateful by Salvador Alborch
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Horta News | 12/20/2023

The Morning School of Nazareth, of the Foundation for Justice, celebrates a decade
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Cadena SER | 19.12.2023

Fundación por la Justicia: ten years helping the children of Nazareth
Read report

Levante-EMV | 19.12.2023

Do migrants matter? by Alejandro Mañes
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Levante-EMV | 15.12.2023

Foundation for Justice will receive the Menció Colibrí 2023
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Levante-EMV |5.12.2023

Your altruistic self, your happy self by Clara Arnal
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Levante-EMV |25.11.2023

Building a World of Equality by Ana María Fuertes
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Levante-EMV |20.11.2023

Does the global situation of children allow us to live in peace? by Rafael Fernadez-Delgado
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Levante-EMV |16.11.2023

Tolerance is respect by Ana Moner
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El | 8.11.2023

Fundación por la Justicia presents the project "Abriendo Senderos" for the inclusion of young people in nature.
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Levante-EMV |25.10.2023

In defence of human dignity by Salvador Alborch
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Europa Press| Photos | 19.10.2023

Fundación por la Justicia brings audiovisual creation to Picassent prison
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El Periódico de Aquí| 23.10.2023

Fundación por la Justicia brings audiovisual creation to Picassent prison
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Levante-EMV |10.10.2023

Home by Elena Vecino
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Levante-EMV |21.09.2023

Beyond Borders and Conflicts by Jacobo Muñoz
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Levante-EMV |15.09.2023

Democracy is not an empty concept by Ana María Cervera
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Levante-EMV | 31.08.2023

Universal Commitment to Human Development and Social Justice in the 21st Century by Ana María Fuertes
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Levante-EMV | 26.07.2023

Tribune by José María Tomás: Governance
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El | 2.07.2023

More than 100 Ukrainian families attend the presentation of the project "Access to Justice for Ukraine".
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CV News| 1.07.2023

More than 100 Ukrainian families attend the presentation of the project "Access to Justice for Ukraine".
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El | 26.06.2023

The project "Access to Justice through Ukraine" will be presented in Valencia on Saturday 1st July.
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Levante-EMV | 17.05.2023

Reflections by Laura Moreno: Behind every window, there dwells a Gloria
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Levante-EMV | 3.05.2023

Tribune by Luis Miguel Romero Villafranca: Press freedom versus courts of law
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Levante-EMV | 16.04.2023

El Mirador by José María Gasalla: Dare to live, not only to subsist
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El | 12.04.2023

Minister Irene Montero highlights the advantages of the Trans Law in a documentary for Fundación por la Justicia
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El Periódico de Aquí | 12.04.2023

Minister Irene Montero highlights the advantages of the Trans Law in a documentary for Fundación por la Justicia
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Levante-EMV | 12.04.2023

Opinion by Elena Vecino: The street is inhabited
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Levante-EMV | 7.04.2023

Opinion by Rafael Fernadez-Delgado: Health: A Global Challenge
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Levante-EMV | 24.03.2023

Miradas by Clara Arnal: The Good Truth
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Levante-EMV | 20.03.2023

Tribune by José María Gasalla: Happiness
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Levante-EMV | 8.03.2023

Reflections by Laura Moreno: (Re)thinking care for a dignified life
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El | 27.02.2023

Fundación por la Justicia promotes a project with universities to make the Sustainable Development Goals a reality
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Correspondents | 27.02.2023

Fundación por la Justicia promotes a project with universities to make the Sustainable Development Goals a reality
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Levante-EMV | 23.02.2023

La Mirada by José María Tomás: Our war in Ukraine, one year later 
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Levante-EMV | 11.02.2023

Reflections: That everything in life is cinema, and dreams, cinema they are for Ana María Cervera
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Europa Press : 3.02.2023

Generators collected to help Ukrainian families fight cold weather
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El | 3.02.2023

Fundación por la Justicia and Together for Life deliver 46 generators to Ukrainian families
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Valencia Plaza | 3.02.2023

Two NGOs collect generators to help Ukrainian families combat cold weather
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Levante-EMV | 3.02.2023

Reflections: Fighting advocacy by Luis Miguel Romero Villafranca
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Levante-EMV | 30.01.2023

Reflections: The only way by Monica Escamilla
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Levante-EMV | 11.01.2023

Reflections: The memory of the heart by María José Marco
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Europa Press | 11.01.2023

Fundación por la Justicia and Together for Life seek to collect 300 generators to overcome the cold in Ukraine
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Levante-EMV | 11.01.2023

Fundación por la Justicia and Together for Life are seeking 300 generators to send to Ukraine.

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Levante-EMV | 29.12.2022

Tribune: If I could write by José María Tomás
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35 millimetres | 20.06.2022

XIII Humans Fest (2022): Film and Human Rights Festival
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Territori clandestí (Ràdio 4 - RTVE) | 19.06.2022

Interview with the director Dorian Fernández for the European premiere of "La Pampa" at Humans Fest and Majo Siscar, director of the festival.
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À Punt | 18.06.2022

The portraits of female migration by Mijke de Jong and Roser Corella win the Humans Fest
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La Vanguardia | 18.06.2022

Humans Fest awards the vision on migration of Roser Corella and De Jong
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Culturplaza | 18.06.2022

Mijke De Jong and Roser Corella star in the list of winners of the 13th Humans Fest
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À Punt NTC (informatiu nit) | 18.06.2022

News about the awards of the XIII edition of Humans Fest
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Europa Press | 18.06.2022

Directors Mijke De Jong and Roser Corella, winners of the Official Feature Film Section of the XIII Humans Fest
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20 minutos | 18.06.2022

Directors Mijke De Jong and Roser Corella, winners of the Official Feature Film Section at Humans Fest
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COPE | 18.06.2022

Humans Fest awards the vision on migration of Roser Corella and De Jong
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EFE Agency | 18.06.2022

Humans Fest awards the vision on migration of Roser Corella and De Jong
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Next stop (À Punt ràdio) | 17.06.2022

Interview with the actress Luisa Gavasa, the director Anna Bofarull and the producer Marian Matachana for their participation in Humans Fest with the film "Sinjar".
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Diari La Veu | 17.06.2022

The fourth anniversary of the arrival of the Aquarius stars in the Humans Fest event
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EFE Agency | 17.06.2022

Migrants from the Aquarius fear a change of government that will worsen their situation
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Levante-EMV | 17.06.2022

Humans Fest organises a screening and a colloquium on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Aquarius
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Bona vesprada (À Punt TV) | 16.06.2022

Live interview with the director Dorian Fernández for his European premiere at the Humans Fest
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20 Minutos | 16.06.2022

Humans Fest organises a screening and a colloquium on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of Aquarius
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Culturplaza | 16.06.2022

Humans Fest remembers the arrival of the Aquarius
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La Vanguardia | 16.06.2022

Humans Fest organises a screening and a colloquium on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Aquarius
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Europa Press | 16.06.2022

Humans Fest organises a screening and a colloquium on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Aquarius
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Culturplaza | 16.06.2022

Humans Fest premiere: Two Afghan refugee women step in front of the camera to tell their story in 'Along the way'.
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A la aventura (À Punt TV) | 16.06.2022

Report on the premiere of the documentary "Tú eliges" at the Picassent prison and interviews to its authors together with Majo Siscar, director of Humans Fest.
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À Punt NTC (informatiu de migdia) | 15.06.2022

News about the premiere of the documentary "Tú eliges" at the prison of Picassent, one of the official screenings of the festival
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Saó Magazine | 13.06.2022

The photojournalism exhibition 'Marcats per l'odi' arrives in València thanks to Humans Fest
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CVONGD | 13.06.2022

The film and human rights festival Humans Fest will screen a European and a world premiere in Valencia this week.
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Culturplaza | 13.06.2022

Humans Fest reflects on misinformation and racism during health emergency
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Podríem fer-ho millor (À Punt ràdio) | 11.06.2022

Interview with the director Roser Corella for her participation in the Official Section of Humans Fest with the documentary "Room without a view".
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Les notícies del matí (À Punt ràdio) | 10.06.2022

Interview with Majo Siscar together with Sergi González and Laura Pérez Gómez, who directed short films participating in the official section.
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Cope | 09.06.2022

What to do in Valencia this weekend?
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À Punt NTC (informatiu de la nit) | 09.06.2022

Inauguration of the 13th edition of Humans Fest
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Un torrent de cinema (SomCom) | 09.06.2022

Programme 01: interview with Majo Siscar as director of Humans Fest
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Next stop (À Punt ràdio) | 09.06.2022

A taste of Humans Fest for its inauguration: interview with Pedro Peira, director of La Queenciañera
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Levante-EMV | 09.06.2022

Marcats per l'odi', a photojournalist's look at the extreme right in the world, arrives in Valencia
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CulturPlaza | 09.06.2022

Photojournalism to uncover lives 'scarred by hate'.
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Europa Press | 09.06.2022

Marcats per l'odi', a photojournalist's look at the extreme right in the world, arrives in Valencia
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20 Minutos | 09.06.2022

Marcats per l'odi', a photojournalist's look at the extreme right in the world, arrives in Valencia
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À Punt NTC (informatiu de migdia) | 09.06.2022

The photojournalism exhibition "Marcats per l'odi" arrives in Valencia by Humans Fest
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València Extra | 09.06.2022

The photojournalism exhibition 'Marcats per l'odi' comes to Valencia with Humans Fest
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elperiò | 09.06.2022

The photojournalism exhibition 'Marcats per l'odi' comes to Valencia with Humans Fest
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Diari La Veu | 09.06.2022

Humans Fest opens 13th edition at the Filmoteca de València this Thursday
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Hortanoticias | 09.06.2022

The Filmoteca de València hosts the opening of the Humans Fest festival
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Comarcal CV | 09.06.2022

The 13th edition of the festival Humans Fest kicks off at the Filmoteca de València
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Cadena SER | 08.06.2022

Interview with Majo Siscar, director of the festival, and Patricia Azpelicueta, participant in our documentary workshop.
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València Extra | 08.06.2022

À Punt is now the official media of Humans Fest
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À Punt | 08.06.2022

À Punt is now the official media of Humans Fest
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AU-Agenda | 08.06.2022

XIII Humans Fest
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Verlanga | 08.06.2022

Humans Fest: short films, Docudays UA and other screenings
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elperiò | 08.06.2022

Cultura de la Generalitat hosts the opening of the 13th edition of the Humans Fest festival at the Filmoteca de València
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València Extra | 08.06.2022

The Filmoteca de València hosts the opening of the 13th edition of the Humans Fest festival
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Verlanga | 07.06.2022

Humans Fest: Official Documentary Film Section
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Verlanga | 06.06.2022

Humans Fest, the Official Section for fiction feature films

Verlanga | 05.05.2022

We check the line-up of the Humans Fest
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Levante EMV| 05.05.2022

Izabel Rigo: "The importance of Environment Day".
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20 Minutos | 04.05.2022

Illustrator Miguel Monkc creates the poster for the 13th edition of Humans Fest
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Europa Press | 04.05.2022

Illustrator Miguel Monkc creates the poster for the 13th edition of Humans Fest
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Levante | 03.05.2022

Ana Cervera: "Freedom of the press: an inalienable right". 
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Nou Horta | 03.05.2022

The Provincial Council collaborates with the international festival "Humans Fest".
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elperiò | 03.05.2022

The Diputació collaborates with the international festival "Humans Fest".
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València Extra | 03.05.2022

The Diputació de València collaborates with the international festival "Humans Fest".
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Valencia City (Capital Radio) | 02.06.2022

Interview with Majo Siscar on the presentation of the XIII edition of Humans Fest
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Diari La Veu | 02.06.2022

The 13th Humans Fest will screen more than 60 international films and documentaries on migration and refugee issues.
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Levante EMV | 02.06.2022

Ana Cervera: "Freedom of the press. An inalienable right".

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Bona vesprada (À Punt TV) | 01.06.2022

Live coverage of the presentation of Humans Fest 2022 at La Filmoteca
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Pròxima parada (À Punt ràdio) | 01.06.2022

Interview with Majo Siscar about the novelties of Humans Fest 2022
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À Punt (notícies) | 01.06.2022

Humans Fest will screen more than sixty international films and documentaries on migration and refugees
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À Punt NTC (informatiu de migdia) | 01.06.2022

News about the presentation of the XIII edition of Humans Fest
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Levante-EMV | 01.06.2022

Humans Fest to screen more than 60 films on migration
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20 Minutos | 01.06.2022

The 13th Humans Fest will screen more than 60 international films and documentaries on migration and refugee issues.
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Valencia Plaza | 01.06.2022

Humans Fest screens more than 60 international films on migration and refugee issues
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La Vanguardia | 01.06.2022

The 13th Humans Fest will screen more than 60 international films and documentaries on migration and refugee issues.
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EFE Agency | 01.06.2022

The XIII Humans Fest presents 60 films and documentaries on migration
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Love Valencia | 01.06.2022

Humans Fest Festival in Valencia
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CV News | 01.06.2022

The new edition of the Humans Fest will screen more than 60 films on migration and refugee issues.
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El Periódico de Aquí | 01.06.2022

The Diputació presents a new edition of the Humans Fest with more than 60 films on migration and refuge
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Digital People | 01.06.2022

The 13th Humans Fest will screen more than 60 international films and documentaries on migration and refugee issues.
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Hortanoticias | 01.06.2022

The Diputació presents a new edition of the Humans Fest with more than 60 films on migration and refuge
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El Periòdic | 01.06.2022

The Diputació de València presents a new edition of the Humans Fest with more than 60 films on migration and refugee issues.
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Info Túria | 01.06.2022

La Diputació presents the Humans Fest with more than 60 films on migration and refugee issues
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València Extra | 01.06.2022

The Diputació presents a new edition of the Humans Fest with more than 60 films on migration and refuge
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Responsible Journal | 29.04.2022

A practical guide to the role of volunteerism in achieving the SDGs
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Culturplaza | 25.04.2022

"Nada se compara a la mirada propia" and other migrant stories told by their protagonists.
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Levante | 20.04.2022

Ana Mª Fuertes: "Creativity and innovation in the SDGs". 
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Levante-EMV | 18.04.2022

Valencian cinema to defend migrants' fundamental rights
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Levante | 16.04.2022

Claudia Squillacioti: "The invisibility of child slavery". 
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Culturplaza | 13.04.2022

Humans Fest promotes audiovisual workshops to vindicate migration rights
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La Vanguardia | 13.04.2022

Humans Fest promotes audiovisuals to vindicate migration rights
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Levante-EMV | 13.04.2022

"You choose", the documentary produced in the Picassent prison
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Levante | 07.04.2022

Rafael Fernández: "Healthy living, a necessity, a universal right and a collective duty". 
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Levante | 24.03.2022

José Mª Tomás y Tío: "Truth is not transitory". 
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Official Press | 10.03.2022

Can Putin be prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity?
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Levante | 09.03.2022

International law expert: ICC could prosecute Putin in the long term
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EEF | 09.03.2022

International law expert: ICC could prosecute Putin in the long term
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Valencia Plaza | 08.03.2022

Regina Laguna: "A place for women in Vahalla".
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Levante-EMV | 24.02.2022

Picassent prisoners produce and record the documentary "Tú eliges" (You choose)
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Horta News | 24.02.2022

Picassent prisoners produce and record the documentary "Tú eliges" (You choose)
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Europa Press | 24.02.2022

Picassent prisoners produce and record the documentary "Tú eliges" (You choose)
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World Today | 23.02.2022

Humans Fest will screen films about migration to "move and mobilize".
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Culturplaza | 23.02.2022

Humans Fest will screen films on migration to "move and mobilise".
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Europa Press | 22.02.2022

Humans Fest will screen films on migration to "move and mobilise".
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20 minutes | 22.02.2022

Humans Fest will screen films on migration to "move and mobilise".
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PlazaTV | 02.02.2022

Defending human rights around the world and through film
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Levante EMV | 19.02.2022

Carmen Martí: Could you live with dignity on less than 1,000 euros a month?
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Provincias| 17.02.2022

Foundation for Justice, by Carlos Pajuelo
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Verlanga | 09.02.2022

Majo Siscar's GPS
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Culturplaza | 27.01.2022

Majo Siscar takes the helm of Humans Fest
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Levante EMV | 22.01.2022

Ana Móner: Why mediation?
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Levante EMV | 22.01.2022

Ana Cervera: International Day of Embrace
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