Women and Human Rights

Women's rights

The equal enjoyment of human rights by women and men is a universally accepted principle reaffirmed by the Vienna Declaration, which was adopted by 171 countries at the World Conference on Human Rights in June 1993.

The areas covered by the Declaration are:

- Equal access to basic social services, including education and health services
- Equal opportunities for participation in political and economic decision-making
- Equal pay for equal work
- Equal protection under the law
- Elimination of gender discrimination and elimination of violence against women
- Equal rights of citizens in all spheres of life, public (such as the workplace) and private (such as the home).


Although it is undeniable that in the last 25 years, women have made significant progress in the development and have moved towards equality with men in areas such as education and health, their opportunities for participation in some areas, such as economics or politics, remain limited..

In some countries, legislation also does not allow them to enjoy the same protection and rights as men.

At Fundación por la Justicia we consider that women play a key role in the development of their societies. For this reason, an important part of the projects that have been carried out over the years have been centred around three essential components:

- Equal opportunities for all people in society
- Sustainability of these opportunities, from one generation to the next
- Empowering people, so that they participate in and benefit from the development process




A project planned to start in 2022 whose main objective is to promote the social integration of women victims of trafficking, potential applicants for international protection and their children, through a reception and comprehensive care system. In order to...

Senegal: Codesarrollo Valencia-Senegal

Senegal: Valencia-Senegal Co-development

The Valencia-Senegal Codesarrollo initiative, implemented between 2011 and 2014, aimed to generate economic resources for groups at risk of exclusion in the Dakar area by promoting self-employment through the creation of micro-enterprises and the reinforcement of the local economy.....