The 2022 financial year will be remembered worldwide, among other things, for being the date on which the COVID-19 pandemic was overcome thanks to the implementation of mass vaccination that led to the generation of a situation of progressive return to The normality. The most serious event that occurred was the outbreak of war in Ukraine in February 2022, the moment when the invasion turned into war began, and which has generated, according to UNHCR, more than 13 million refugees and displaced persons (internal and external) to date. In this situation, Foundation for Justice expressed his desire to support the defense of the human rights of refugees in general.

Fundación por la Justicia has focused its work on social cohesion for many years. A concept that, in terms of inclusion, refers to the degree of accessibility that different members of a society have to different goods and services, and to the same opportunities, regardless of their personal characteristics.

Actions carried out in 2022

Raising society's awareness of human rights and justice is one of our fundamental objectives. The International Film and Human Rights Festival, XIV Humans Fest, has managed to establish itself as one of the most important festivals in Spain in its category. The public response was overwhelming, with a total of 5,197 people attending and visiting. The media impact was also notable, with a total of 90 appearances in various media outlets, reaching an estimated audience of more than 140,000 people around the world.

Likewise, Futures in Freedom: Visibility and defense of human rights activists linked to freedom of expression and the press in El Salvador. The project has managed to raise awareness in the Valencian Community about the situation of institutional lack of protection faced by human rights defenders linked to freedom of the press in El Salvador.

Similarly, the Justice Foundation project with Ukraine, a country that has been affected by a devastating conflict, serves purpose in three key areas: access to education, access to justice, and access to survival.

These outstanding actions and many more are included in the 2022 activities report and most will continue their process in the following year, along with other actions that we will always continue in favor of human rights and social justice.

Ana María Fuertes Eugenio
General Director of Foundation for Justice.

Download the 2022 Annual Report