Children's rights
The world is at a turning point in realising the noble vision of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
In September 2015, Member States of the United Nations came together to agree on the new sustainable development agenda. With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, the world has an opportunity to ensure that children remain at the centre of global strategic efforts.
The Sustainable Development Goals represent the roadmap for public policies and their implementation implies a commitment to a social and political model that can put children at the centre. There are five SDGs that can be considered the most relevant for children: Poverty, Health, Education, Employment and Economic Growth (Inequality).
Poverty: Two and a half million children live at risk of poverty and/or social exclusion in the world. The SDGs are an opportunity for children and a commitment to end poverty in all its forms and dimensions by 2030.
Health: Ensuring a healthy living and promoting wellbeing at all ages is essential for sustainable development.
Education: Nearly 260 million children were out of school in the world in 2018This represents one-fifth of the world's population in this age group. The SDG 4 argues that the education is the factor that enables upward socio-economic mobility and it is key to escaping poverty.
Employment: The SDG 8 includes, among other objectives, the adoption of effective measures to eradicate forced labourto put an end to contemporary forms of slavery and trafficking in persons, and to ensure the prohibition and elimination of all forms of slavery and trafficking in persons, as well as to ensure the prohibition and elimination of all forms of slavery. elimination of the worst forms of child labourincluding the recruitment and use of child soldiers and to achieve an end to child labour in all its forms.
Economic Growth (Inequality): The inequality generated by widespread economic growth patterns worldwide begins even before birth and may increase, amplified by differences in health and education. The policies to tackle inequality must start at the beginningThe aim of this report is to provide a comprehensive overview of the impact of the current economic crisis on children's learning, health and nutrition, through policy measures to invest in children's learning, health and nutrition.
Haiti: "Support to Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos children's centres".
The project "Support for Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos children's centres", carried out in 2015 in Haiti, helped to support the relocation of underprivileged children through school support, food and health care in outlying areas of Port-au-Prince ....
Himalayan Children
The project improved the living conditions of underprivileged children through education and basic food needs. In 2014, a hundred children were cared for with the support of the local partner, the Randha Buddist Society Centre ....
Mozambique: "Provision of water tanks at the Chiparango Children's Centre".
The project "Provision of water tanks at the Chiparango Children's Centre" contributed to improving the living conditions of children so that they could attend primary school in a safe and...
Paraguay: "Improving prevention of child sexual exploitation".
The project "Improving the prevention of child sexual exploitation", implemented in 2011 in Paraguay, strengthened the programme of disengagement from sexual exploitation offered by the Luna Nueva association to underage women who live in this...
Senegal: "Albinos in the shadow of the sun"
Through the “Albinos under the shadow of the sun” project, executed in 2010, the defense of the Human Rights of people with albinism was promoted. The main objective of the proposal, which consisted of a single edition, was to integrate albino minors into the...