Within the framework of our project “VISIBILIZATION AND DEFENSE OF HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISTS LINKED TO FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND PRESS IN EL SALVADOR”, at Fundación por la Justicia we intend to make visible the situation of violation of said fundamental freedoms in the Salvadoran context.

The objective is to act together and mobilize to focus on the seriousness of the situations that defenders of human rights related to freedom of expression in El Salvador face daily and the importance of protecting their work within their associations. for the respect of human rights, the defense of democracy and the achievement of SDG 16: PEACE, JUSTICE AND SOLID INSTITUTIONS.

To do this, we invite the others Civil society organizations, to the citizenship Valencian, at institutions policies, to the staff academic y student body academic to participate in the meetings on October 4 and 6 to be able to dialogue and reflect together from the voices of journalists from independent Salvadoran media.

  • October 4, 2022, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.: colloquium on the state of freedom of expression and the press in El Salvador, with the participation of Salvadoran and local journalists. Levante Daily Club, Audience. C/ dels Traginers, 7.


 5:30 p.m. OPENING

5:45 p.m. Round table: Salvadoran political context, violation of freedom of expression and attacks on journalists from a gender perspective.


– Angélica Cárcamo: President of APES (Association of Journalists of El Salvador) and Director of Infodemia.

-Sergio Arauz: Salvadoran journalist and deputy editor-in-chief of El Faro.

-Carmen Valeria Escobar: independent Salvadoran journalist.

-Gonzalo Sánchez: journalist at Levante-EMV.

Moderator: José María Tomás Tío, President of the Foundation for Justice.

7:30 p.m. Final debate

8:00 p.m. CLOSING


  • October 6, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.: awareness day on violations of press freedom and attacks on defenders of Salvadoran democracy, with the participation of Salvadoran journalists. Faculty of Law, Assembly Hall, Department of Philosophy of Law and Politics. Tarongers Campus.


10.00am OPENING – Vicente Bellver Capella, Director of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Politics, UV.

10.15am Round table: Violation of press freedom and deterioration of the democratic system: the case of El Salvador.


– Angélica Cárcamo: President of APES (Association of Journalists of El Salvador) and Director of Infodemia.

-Sergio Arauz: Salvadoran journalist and deputy editor-in-chief of El Faro.

-Carmen Valeria Escobar: independent Salvadoran journalist.

Moderator: Claudia Squillacioti, Project Director of Fundación por la Justicia.

 11.30am PAUSE

11.45am Discussion table: How can we exercise and defend these rights in contexts of censorship?


– Angélica Cárcamo: President of APES (Association of Journalists of El Salvador) and Director of Infodemia.

-Sergio Arauz: Salvadoran journalist and deputy editor-in-chief of El Faro.

-Carmen Valeria Escobar: independent Salvadoran journalist.

Moderator: Claudia Squillacioti, Project Director of Fundación por la Justicia.

12.45h CLOSURE 


The execution of this project has been possible thanks to the support of the Department of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality of the GVA.