Senegal: “Defense and Promotion of the rights of Albinos in the Tambacounda region”
Through the “Defense and Promotion of the rights of Albinos in the Tambacounda region” project, economic means were generated for groups at risk of exclusion in the Dakar area, by promoting self-employment with the creation of microenterprises...
Ethiopia: Ethiopian women lawyers
Human rights training project, legal assistance and participatory design of actions in the strategy of the association "Ethiopian Women Lawyers" for the reduction of harmful traditional practices in Ethiopia. The project, implemented between 2009 and 2011,...
The Valencian doctor Pedro Cavadas, awarded the VIII prize of the Foundation for Justice
The jury highlights among Cavadas' "multiple" merits his altruistic work in Kenya and other African countries, in conditions of special difficulty. Dr. Pedro Cavadas, a specialist in reconstructive medicine, has been awarded the VIII Prize of the...
Foundation for Justice awards the award to Bogaletch Gebre for her defense of women
Bogaletch Gebre is a Human Rights activist and president of the Kembatta Women's Self Help Center (KMG), an organization founded in 1997 that defends women's rights and fights against the practices of female genital mutilation, of which she was ...
The Foundation for Justice presents its V award to Muhammad Yunus, creator of microcredits for poor people
The Foundation for Justice presents its V award to Muhammad Yunus, creator of microcredits for poor people Muhamed Yunus, creator of the Poor Bank in Bangladesh, has received in Valencia the fifth award from the Foundation for Justice in...