
Máster en justicia: «Prescripción de un delito»

Master in Justice: «Prescription of a crime»

⚖️ MASTER IN JUSTICE This program takes place every Thursday on Radio 5, led by Manuela Carmena, in which social reality is addressed from the perspective of law. The program includes a contest with a weekly prize draw and a theatrical parody on aspects...

Abiertas las bases para el XIII Humans Fest

The bases for the XIII Humans Fest are open

From February 22, 2022 to May 22, 2022, the bases to participate in the XIII HUMANS FEST 2022 will be open. This new edition of the Human Rights and Film Festival, Humans Fest, will be held from June 9 to 18 at the city of Valencia with...

Majo Siscar se pone al frente de Humans Fest

Majo Siscar takes the helm of Humans Fest

THE EDITION TRANSFERS ITS DATES TO JUNE The Valencia Human Rights Film Festival, Humans Fest, changes teams and takes the opportunity to take new directions. Last September, journalist Majo Siscar (Pego, 1983) took charge of a new team, which...

