
Migrantes somos todos

We are all migrants

 Patricia Campos The person who arrives to another country looking to be able to eat every day or not to be killed in their place of origin could be you or me. We have been lucky to be born in Europe, to be able to eat every day and not have to hide for our ideas or who we love...

Humanidad compartida

Shared humanity

María José Marco Seventy-five years have passed (almost) since that dream of freedom, justice and peace for all humanity that Eleanor Roosevelt, Pen-Chun Chang and Charles Malik had, and which later gave rise to the International Bill of Human Rights, ...

La corrupción no es bien venida

Corruption is not welcome

     LUIS MIGUEL ROMERO VILLAFRANCA Given the serious problem that corruption represents today and its widespread nature, on October 31, 2003, the General Assembly of the United Nations in Resolution 58/4 decided that, «in order to increase awareness. ..

A la sensibilización ciudadana se suma el compromiso institucional dentro de nuestra iniciativa: presentada PNL sobre el estado de la Libertad de Prensa y Expresión en El Salvador para su debate en la Comisión de DDHH de las Cortes Valencianas

Added to citizen awareness is the institutional commitment within our initiative: PNL on the state of Freedom of the Press and Expression in El Salvador was presented for debate in the Human Rights Commission of the Valencian Cortes

November is the last month of execution of our project that aims to make visible the situation of lack of protection, persecution and stigmatization of activists, human rights defenders and journalism professionals in a context characterized by...

