The Valencian Coordinator of ONGD – which brings together 110 entities from the entire Community – will celebrate the 7th and 8th of June and the second Ordinary General Assembly, in which it has vindicated the importance of work in the world and the need for The political forces respond to citizen demands on the Valencian policy of international cooperation, more necessary than in a context marked by a multiplication of socio-political crises and global conflicts.

“It cannot be more important and priority than to defend the basic rights of millions of people and contribute to the fet that is respect for the other lives and the environment on life. We need fer-ho from our work as a collective and with individual entities there on this issue, in the countries of political influence, in the educators, in the relations with communication, in which we find ourselves both the citizens and the people responsible for making decisions that affect all people,” explains Cristina Ramón, president of the Coordinator.

However, the 110 entities that make up the Valencian Coordinator of ONGD have approved a resolution in the second Assembly in which they appeal to the collective work for the impulses of a cooperation that each day builds for and justice, where dialogue prevails in the face of hatred and tension, and let the example of building consensus and alliances continue.


It highlights the questioning and reduction of international cooperation and solidarity policies, the setbacks in matters of equality, the climate emergency and the rise of international conflicts - the genocide in Gaza, but also the war in Ukraine or so many unknown conflicts such as These are the countries of Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Somàlia, Western Sahara, the Sahel, Moçambic, Afghanistan or Ethiopia, the Coordinator demands from the Generalitat Valenciana and the local governments:

  • Comply with the agreements signed for an International Cooperation for Transformative Development at the autonomous and local level in the municipalities of Valencia, Alacant, Castelló de la Plana and Elx with a comprehensive response to the global crises we face as a humanitarian.
  • Maintain the political commitment to cooperation, comply with the regional legislation in the matter and with the budgetary commitments of the 0.4% of the budgets at the end of the legislature, in the path of the 0.7% before any 2030.
  • Promote public policies with the goal of eradicating poverty and exclusion, so that Marx can focus on the important advice we provide.
  • Promote policies of equality in diversity and policies of equality in both measures aimed at empowering gifts in the exercise of their rights in all areas of life, and in both measures for institutional protection and legal in the face of masclista violence.
  • Promote educational processes for a citizenry aware of both the global and the local, and that through awareness and training achieve transformative educational processes to continue building a Valencian citizenry critical of injustices, active and committed to both values of global justice, respect for nature and solidarity.
  • Promote fair trade, responsible consumption, alternative and solidarity economy, ethical public purchasing of Public Administrations and respect by companies for human rights, labor rights and natural rights.
  • Not a single country is involved in the defense of human rights, including social and economic rights, and active protection of the rights of all people without distinction of gender, race or any other circumstance.