Foundation for Justice participated in the GVA call for subsidies for NGDOs to finance education projects for global citizenship, aimed at raising awareness of Human Rights activists in the area of the Valencian Community, corresponding to the year 2020, with the project “Visibilization and Defense of human rights activists in the framework of protection of the rights of the LGTBIQ+ collective in El Salvador.” Among the violated rights, the right to life and physical integrity stands out, as it was detected that the life expectancy of trans women in El Salvador is 33 years, compared to the average of 73 years for the rest of women, a figure obtained from from Amnesty International and UNHCR data in 2020.

The global pandemic situation prevented the presence of Bianka Rodríguez and Karla Avelar, successive presidents of the COMCAVIS TRANS association in El Salvador, until well into 2021.

The planned results were the holding of awareness days in Valencia with the participation of several associations; the preparation of information pills and a documentary with the defenders to be disseminated on social networks and obtain greater visibility; and the writing of SEO content on the situation of the rights of defenders and their group. Everything fulfilled.

To prepare the documentary, the services of the communication agency Alberto Pla were hired, who considered that it should include the contributions of those who held responsibility for said groups at the local, regional and national levels, incorporating into the documentary the statements of Lucía Beamud, Councilor for Equality, Espai Públic i Pobles, Mónica Oltra, Councilor for Equality and Inclusive Policies of the Generalitat Valenciana, and Irene Montero, Minister of Equality of the Government of Spain.

A vueltas con los Defensores de DDHH

To achieve the objective of greater dissemination and visibility, Fundación por la Justicia included in the programming of the International Film Festival on Human Rights, Humans Fest, and disseminated through all means at our disposal, the presentation of the documentary, accompanied by a round table , in which it made special sense for people from the affected group and those responsible for the corresponding areas in the institutions to participate. The Government Commission offered our patron Regina Laguna to moderate it.

Aware of the disparity of criteria that exist on the matter in our country, it seemed that it was of special relevance to offer the different positions that could be expressed from freedom, respect and tolerance in a context of enriching dialogue and creative exchange, but in no case assuming as its own version any that could be offered by the different participants, since among our values are tolerance, respect for what is different, the protection of the rights of all and the defense of those of people who are violated or at risk of be.

Fundación por la Justicia appreciates the participation of all people in the search for answers that guarantee the legitimate rights of all; continues to offer the instruments at its disposal through our projects - and, in particular, our International Human Rights Film Festival - to report and make visible any violation; and will continue to support truth, justice, equality and rights for all people without exclusion.

Text approved unanimously by the FxJ Board of Trustees on June 28, 2022

A vueltas con los Defensores de DDHH (897 downloads )