This program takes place every Thursday on Radio 5, led by Manuela Carmena, in which social reality is addressed from a legal perspective. The program includes a contest with a weekly prize draw and a theatrical parody on related aspects.

Together with Carmena, and the lawyer Ana Noguerol, Fundación por la Justicia is part of this colloquium every week through the contributions of our president José Mª Tomás y Tío.

In the current program we address the question of:


Manuela Carmena: «Prescription is a kind of legal hocus-pocus. I take out the prescription, and the crime disappears.

José Mª Tomás y Tío: "In cases as serious as pedophilia, we should ask ourselves if we would not obtain a better response if we opted for a Restorative Justice model?"

Ana Noguera: «We have to ask ourselves: Why do crimes prescribe? What is the foundation? To know if it is justified or not.

If you missed it, you can listen to it again on the 🌐 RNE 5 website 👇🏽