Lucha vecinal Paraguaya por la defensa de los derechos ciudadanos

From Foundation for Justice We present an innovative project that aims to make visible and defend the Paraguayan activists in a context marked by the corruption and the violation of social and civil rights. This project, which will be carried out in Valencia, seeks to raise awareness about the situation of human rights defenders in Paraguay, while establishing collaboration networks between Valencian and Paraguayan organizations.


The project includes various activities from October 13 to 19, including:

Sunday, October 13

  • 18:30 h: Meeting with the Paraguayans in Action Association of Valencia in MonteOlivete, where the documentary “Paraguayan Neighborhood Activism” will be presented and open dialogue will be held to establish possible synergies.

Monday, October 14

  • 11:00 h: Meeting with the political party PSPV-PSOE in the Valencian Parliament. Presentation by FEDEM and the activists, dialogue to learn about the situation of human rights violations. Presentation of the Institutional Declaration for signature by Compromís. Establishment of possible synergies.
  • 12:00 h: Meeting with the political party Compromís in the Valencian Parliament. Presentation by FEDEM and the activists, dialogue on the situation of human rights violations, and signing of an Institutional Declaration.
  • 16:00 h – 18:00 h: Meeting with Trellat Solutions at the headquarters of the Foundation for Justice to learn about social, environmental and community entrepreneurship.
  • 18:30 h: Premiere of the documentary “Escuela Vecinal/Paraguay” at Avenida de la Constitución 256 and round table with attendees.

Tuesday, October 15

  • 10:00 h: Meeting with the General Directorate of Inclusion and International Cooperation to present the situation in Paraguay and discuss grants for projects.
  • 19:15 h: Baoradio radio program, to learn about the human rights situation in Paraguay and the work of FEDEM PY.

Wednesday, October 16

  • 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Participation in the IDHUV. Participatory workshop aimed at university students on corruption, its causes and effects, with debates on the violation of human rights.
  • 18:00 to 20:00 h: Learning table at the Chalet Parque del Oeste of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations to share experiences on neighborhood organization in the fight against corruption and screening of the documentary “Escuela Vecinal/Paraguay.”

Thursday, October 17

  • 10:00 h: Meeting with the NGO Alliance for Solidarity to learn about the work of other Valencian NGOs.
  • 17:00 h: Meeting with Joan Linares, former director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency. Where experiences on corruption and fraud will be shared.
  • 18:00 h – 20:00 h: Participatory colloquium on the Paraguayan neighborhood struggle for the defense of citizen rights at the ICAV headquarters. Activists present their work and situation in Paraguay, followed by an open dialogue and screening of a documentary.

Friday, October 18th

  • 10:30 a.m.: Meeting with the NovaFeina Foundation to discuss social, environmental and community entrepreneurship.

This project not only seeks to raise awareness of the human rights situation in Paraguay, but also to foster a constructive dialogue between the communities of Valencia and Paraguay. The visit of the Paraguayan activists It is a crucial opportunity to highlight the importance of social justice in the fight against the corruption and the strengthening of human rights.

We invite everyone to participate and be part of this important project that seeks a positive impact in the defense of human rights in Paraguay.