- On December 11, the second talk of the School for Families of the Colegio Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados de Nazaret dedicated to the problem of addictions took place.
Dr. Luis Rojo, from the Psychiatry Service of the La Fe University and Polytechnic Hospital and Associate Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of Valencia, explained to a group of mothers and fathers of students the problem that social networks pose in childhood. These tools, useful for many purposes, can be extremely dangerous when their use exceeds the control capacity of the people who use them and generates a true addiction. Therefore, it is recommended that families delay the start of contact of children with social networks, that they look for information from reliable sources and that family dialogue is always present in access to these communication systems.
The interest aroused in families motivated the continuation of the dialogue on this topic in January under the direction of Dr. Luis Rojo.
In November, Dr. Teresa Orengo from the Addictive Behaviour Unit (UCA) in Valencia, Padre Porta, held a talk with families about substance addictions, which sparked great interest among families. Dr. Orengo agreed to return to the school when requested.