
¡Únete al equipo de voluntariado del XVI Humans Fest!

Join the volunteer team for the 16th Humans Fest!

At Humans Fest, we are looking for people interested in film and/or human rights to join our volunteer team. Our next edition will be held from May 29th to June 7th, 2025, at various venues throughout the city of Valencia.

La periodista Pilar Almenar, nueva directora del Humans Fest

Journalist Pilar Almenar, new director of the Humans Fest

The Valencia International Film and Human Rights Festival, Humans Fest, organised by the Foundation for Justice since 2009, will have journalist Pilar Almenar as its new director in its 16th edition, which will take place throughout the next year. Almenar will be the new director of the festival.

