15th València International Film and Human Rights Festival





The International Film and Human Rights Festival - HUMANS FEST, developed in Valencia since 2008, is one of the main projects promoted by Fundación por la Justicia, which aims to increase the involvement of a global and critical Valencian citizenship committed to the defence and promotion of Human Rights and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. To achieve this, the project brings audiovisual culture closer to both the general public and especially vulnerable audiences, from the visibility of the defence of human rights and the denunciation of their violations around the world, as well as the promotion of activities that support the consolidation of an active citizenship for social justice.


The 15th edition of HUMANS FEST will be held from 30 May to 8 June 2024.



Carrer de Ripalda, 16, bajo, 

46003 Valencia (Spain)

Telephone: +34 961 04 73 35


humansfest@fundacionporlajusticia.org e info@fundacionporlajusticia.org


  • Humans Fic' section

Award for Best International Fiction Feature Film: 1.200 €. 

Prize for Best International Fiction Short Film: 400 €. 

Feature films will be considered to be 60 minutes or more in length and short films will be limited to 30 minutes or less.

  • Humans Doc' section:

Award for Best International Feature Documentary: 1.200 €. 

Prize for Best International Documentary Short Film: 400 €.

Feature films will be considered to be 60 minutes or more in length and short films will be limited to 30 minutes or less.

  • Section 'Curt i Barrejat'.:

Section for Valencian documentary and fiction short films dealing with human rights. Those short films whose crew is mainly Valencian will be considered as Valencian. 

The aim of this award is to promote local audiovisual culture committed to human rights. Short films may not exceed 30 minutes in length.

Prize for Best Valencian Short Film: 400 €.

  • Section '1 minut, 1 dret' (1 minute, 1 right):

Micro-films of up to 1'30'' (credits included) on human rights made by students. 

This is a traditional section of the Humans Fest that aims to promote human rights and audiovisual culture among Valencian students. It is carried out through agreements with Valencian audiovisual schools, but you can also participate as an individual as long as you can prove that you are studying a regulated course. 

Prize 1 minut, 1 dret: 250 €.

Within the framework of the festival, there will be other prizes without financial remuneration. For example, the EDAV Award, given by the Associació d'Escriptors de l'Audiovisual Valencià, for the best short film script in Valencià.


Only films whose subject matter is related to human rights, particularly with the theme proposed for this year's HUMANS FEST: the fight against climate change and the defence of territory and the environment, may participate. 

In this way, we join the efforts of the city that have made València worthy of the award as European Green Capital in 2024. 

We are living through a climate emergency that affects life all over the planet. We are committed to a transformative cinema that focuses on the struggles and resistances against climate change, that denounces and/or provides solutions to avoid catastrophic consequences and guarantees a sustainable future for the next generations. It is essential that the eco-social transformation for which we advocate is carried out under an intersectional perspective applying a Human Rights approach. This 15th edition of Humans Fest aims to contribute to generating new imaginaries of the relationship between people and nature, without losing sight of the other Sustainable Development Goals. 

Our objective as a film and human rights festival is to promote independent cinema that entertains and raises awareness; to generate a meeting point between creators and citizens; and in this 2024 in particular, to promote audiovisuals as a tool to achieve mitigation and adaptation to Climate Change.

In the Curt i Barrejat section of short films from Valencia, the thematic focus is extended to all human rights, as set out in the Universal Declaration, although we will prioritise this intersectional view of climate and territorial defence.


There is a €2 fee to enter films in the Festival. The registration period will run from 15 December 2023 to 1 March 2024 for all official sections. The platform for submitting works will be Festhome.

In the case of the 'One Minute, One Right' section, the deadline for registration is 5 May.


All productions submitted to the official section must meet the following requirements:

  • After 1 January 2022
  • They must not have been presented in the city of Valencia, in public cinemas, DVD/BlueRay, video or television. They must not have been broadcast on the Internet with free access.
  • The media of the copies must be adapted to the technical requirements of each section of the festival.
  • The works must be subtitled in English, Spanish or Valencià/Català.


The Festival management will appoint juries for each section, who will act with complete independence and whose function will be to award the aforementioned prizes after viewing and analysing the different screenings. The jury for each section will be made up of experts in the audiovisual field and/or in the defence of human rights who will combine artistic and social criteria. 

For the section 'One minute, one right' the verdict will be given by the public (popular jury). 


If the film is selected, it will be an essential requirement to send copies in the following media:

  • For full-length films, the film must be sent in physical format in DCP. The copy must be sent by post or courier service and must be paid for by the participant. They must include the return details, which will be assumed by the festival.
  • For short films, the format will be MP4 and will be sent electronically. 

If the film is not Spanish-speaking, the text of the subtitles in Spanish in .srt format must be sent in advance via a downloadable link or attachment, so that electronic subtitling can be prepared.

Selected films may not be withdrawn by their producers and/or distributors once the selection has been published. The films may be screened at special sessions of the festival with the prior consent of the authors. 

The Festival may take a sample of the selected works to be used in any media for promotional purposes within the framework of HUMANS FEST (printed programme, press, Internet, social networks, trailer, etc.).


Prizes will be paid by bank transfer. The amount of the prizes described above (including VAT) will be subject to the corresponding deductions and taxes, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.

The decisions of both the Selection Committee and the Jury will be final. The winning projects will be announced at the Closing Gala of the XV International Film and Human Rights Festival of Valencia.

The films that win awards must specify the award won at the International Film and Human Rights Festival - HUMANS FEST in all their posters, communications, publicity and in the titles of the copies released in Spain both in their theatrical exhibition and in their release for domestic format (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.) and other platforms.


The submission of entries implies full acceptance of these rules and the interpretation and application of the same is the responsibility of the festival organisers. For any clarification, doubts or additional information, please contact the Festival organisers by e-mail at humansfest@fundacionporlajusticia.org


Persons interested in taking part in this call expressly consent to the processing of their personal data (by indicating this on the application form). Festhome) and to its publication in any medium used for the communication of the results and for the proper preparation and execution of this call. Failure to provide such consent will result in the rejection of this call for proposals, as it is governed by the principle of publicity.

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council as well as Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, the data provided by the interested party will be used, solely and exclusively, for the purposes foreseen in this procedure for the processing and management of these grants.

No data will be passed on to third parties unless legally obliged to do so.

In all matters not expressly provided for in matters of personal data protection, the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights shall apply.