

Està inmersat en una crisi global global, la qual eventualment ha fet: change de clima, exhausció de fossils, urban i ocean pollution. En aquest context, els bicycle stands són powerful tool for change. However, aquest és David i Goliath boj, sense autom industry invests milions de dòlars per any iear per maintain its business. Car sals currently higher than ever before and there are more than one thousand million vehicles in the world.

Activists i thinkers around the world, from São Paulo to Los Angeles, incloent-hi idyllic ubicació in Copenhaguen, organitzat per a remenar el seu estat de things and make cities més sustainable. Alongside those citizens que refuse a l'estri cycling acomiada el incrés en el nombre de morts de trànsit accidents, el carry out de les males accions que li donen a grans canvis.

Saturday, 12 th december 20.00 h.

Suècia, 2015


Fredrik Gertten

91 minuts.

Language: english, portugués, espanyol

Executive producer: 

Alexandra Galvis

Chris Paine

Fredrik Gertten

Maria Farinha Films


Kiki Allegier

Janice D'Avila


Benjamin Binderup


Alexander Thörnqvist


Florència Di Concili

Production companies:

WG Film


DocsBarcelona (Paral.lel 40)



director Fredik GerttenFredrik Gertten was born in Malmo (Sweden) el 1956. He anat award winning director i jornalista, famós per a local stories with global understanding. His latest works Bananes!* (2009) and Big Boys Gone Bananes!* (2011) have met audiences in over 100 countries, incloent leading festivals Sundance and Berlinale.


  • Tempo Documentary Festival (Temps Documentary Award) – Sweden, 2015
  • SXSW – USA, 2015
  • Full Frame Documentary Film Festival – USA, 2015
  • Ambulant – Mèxic, 2015
  • Washington DC Film Festival – USA, 2015
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