Humans Fest is not just a film festival...

Of course, cinema is the basis of the festival, and in this XIII edition we will select cinematographic works that reveal the current problems that intercultural movements entail, addressing the migrations from an innovative perspective and differentiated from the stereotypes constructed from the media.
We contemplate a great variety of formats and genres: from the short film to feature film, from the documentary to fiction, from the animation until the report. The works that will be selected, both national and international, accompany the intention of Humans Fest to be a purposeful and denunciatory space based on formal and cinematographic quality and innovation.
«The Humans Fest is much more than a week of film screenings.
It is also a platform for discussion, debate and learning."
The 13th edition of Humans Fest will be a space for audiovisual and human rights training to denature the stereotypes and impermeable identities on which today's society is built, promoting the encounter between the different cultures that make up our social reality.
The screenings will be accompanied by debates with the population on different themes of the common thread of this 13th edition: the phenomenon of migration with a gender perspective and the host society. People who are persecuted at home for their gender identity or sexual orientation, but also about the contradictions of European societies or mutual help between women. Migrate as a movement, to get out of a state of war, of conflict. The different borders, not only physical, but also imaginary. Inhabit new spaces, occupy them and modify them. Migration, work and racism.

But Humans Fest lasts all year long! Beyond the strict ten days of the festival, our team carries out different educational programs where audiovisual is a way for new audiences to connect with human rights. The 13th edition of the Humans Fest is working with institutes, art schools, activists and migrant groups to address the complex phenomenon of migration from an intersectional perspective.
- Influencers for human rights (workshop in institutes)
- Participatory documentaries with migrated people
- Anti-racist deconstruction workshop for white people and families
- Among other activities…
«Music is cultural expression, it is communication and it is a party.
But it is also a transmitter of messages".
And it travels with people, reminding us of our collective memory. He link between migration and music is deep and undeniable: music has been in all times and cultures, and has moved from one region to another, from one continent to another, surpassing borders and generating new rhythms.
Human movement gives music its strength and has allowed fusions of sounds, flavors, colors and letters at the origin of multiple rhythms. Humans Fest aims to celebrate concerts that in addition to a recreational space and to share realize a new migrant political subject in Valencia that responds, resists and organizes in the face of situations of discrimination and in the defense of their rights.