The eighth edition of Humans Fest, an international film and Human Rights festival, comes with everything: ten feature films, seven shorts, three unpublished documentaries, two world premieres, a Human Rights Forum and new venues.

In this article we tell you what you cannot ignore about cinema committed to human rights. Humans Fest is a unique festival in Valencia, critical and reflective of our society.

Firsts and premieres at Humans Fest

Valencia will be the first city in Spain to host two films on the rights of transsexual people in Cuba and Sweden. He Thursday February 16 you can enjoy these two works in the Film Library:

  • At 6 p.m. Just a Normal Person (Malin Björkman-Widell, 2015)
  • At 8 p.m. Transit Havana (Daniel Abma, 2016)

Also, at 10:45 p.m. we are going to Ca Revolta to a very special meeting within the Human Rights Forum with the directors, protagonist and screenwriter of both films under the coordination of Lambda, a collective of lesbians, gays, transsexuals and bisexuals from Valencia.

Among the premieres, we will also have An insignificant man (Khushboo Ranka, Vinay Shukla, 2016) a documentary about the rise of a new political movement in India. The premiere in Spain will be on February 15 at 8 p.m. at the Filmoteca.

You won't be able to miss the scoop on The strategy of silence (Vicent Peris, 2016), on February 14 at the Filmoteca, the documentary that tells the story about the metro accident in 2006 in Valencia. Another first among the five of the festival will be the short film Witnesses (Emilio Martí, 2017) filmed in the refugee camps in Greece and will be presented during the closing of the festival (February 17 at 8 p.m. at the Filmoteca).

Short Films and Dona i Cinema at Humans Fest

What's new this year is the new link with spaces dedicated to quality cinema such as Aragó Cinema and Cinema d'Or. The first of them will be the headquarters of the official short film section whose core theme is the right of asylum and the right of refugees.

  • Write down the appointment in Aragó Cinema: Monday, February 13 at 8 p.m.

On the other hand, Cinestudio d'Or The short films “1 minute, 1 right” will be shown before each showing, short films made in schools, universities and care centers for people at risk of social exclusion. Be sure to attend the week of February 11 to 16 at Cinestudio d'Or and Contribute your vote to the selection of the winners of this category.

Humans Fest is extended until February 19 with the cycle Donate i Cinema at the MUVIM, with the aim of making visible the role of women in the (still) hostile terrain of the cinematographic world.

Humans Fest actividades paralelas

Activities of the Human Rights Forum

Our society needs cultivate critical thinking and know your human rightsTherefore, Humans Fest proposes activities to raise awareness through Human Rights Forum.

Thus, the festival will have a series of conferences on Social Justice that will happen at the Rector Peset Residence Hall, La Nau, the SGAE and Ca Revolta. Access from here the meetings with directors and to the Parallel activities.

Consultation here the complete program of the Humans Fest festival. 👌

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