The Valencia Human Rights Film FestivalHumans Fest, change teams and take the opportunity to take new directions. The journalist Majo Siscar (Pego, 1983) last September took charge of a new team, which has completed Pilar Almenar Cristina Vivo in recent months. Siscar has worked both in the daily press, as a correspondent in Latin America for different media, and on television. Now, he takes over from Samuel Sebastián, who assumed maximum responsibility in 2019.

Photo by Eva Mañez

The 2022 edition has already begun to walk and The first relevant change has been that of the dates, which moves from the usual February to June (from the 9th to the 16th, a week before the start of Cinema Jove). This movement will allow – as Siscar explains to this newspaper – to add to the usual festival spaces (such as Filmoteca or La Nau), screenings in popular and peripheral neighborhoods such as Rascanya, Cabanyal or La Petxina. The objective is to bring the festival “to the public that is not a festival fan” and to mobilize those who are a fan to discover other spaces where they can enjoy the films.

Read the full news in Culturplaza