
Between November 11 and 13, the Center for Brazilian Studies and the Juan del Enzina Theater in Salamanca host the VI International Film and Human Rights Festival of Valencia. The Festival is a project of the Foundation for Justice that offers a unique audiovisual space to raise awareness of human rights at an international level. Its sixth edition specializes in documentary film as a means of communication to fight and raise awareness about Human Rights, promoting person-centered attitudes and the defense of human dignity in the world. For the first time, this year, the Festival arrives in Salamanca where a selection of documentaries and short films from the “1 minute, 1 right” contest will be screened.

The Festival foresees the delivery of three International awards:
1.- Valencia International Film and Human Rights Festival Award worth 3,000 euros.
2.- Pau i Justicia Award in recognition of the career of a filmmaker, producer or film director in the field of Human Rights.
3.- Short Contest Prize “1 minute, 1 right” worth 1,000 euros.

The deadlines to apply for any of the categories are still open. It is possible to download the contest rules for short films by clicking here and those for feature films at this other link. The deadline to send the originals ends next September 31 in the case of short films and August 31 for documentaries. All information about registration, news, etc. It is available on the Festival's official website and also on its Facebook and Twitter accounts.