Last night the VI edition of the Valencia International Film and Human Rights Festival opened with the awarding of the Pau i Justícia Prize to Catalan director Carles Bosch. An award designed by the Valencian artist Marina Puche of Manitas de Plata and which was presented by the President of the Por la Justicia Foundation, José María Tomás Tío.

Carles Bosch, author of documentaries with enormous impact such as “Balseros” (2002) and “Bike, spoon, apple” (2010), attended the presentation of his second documentary “Septiembres” (2006) with two of its protagonists, “Fortu ” and José Gardoqui, drummer of the famous 80s group “Burning”, theirs is one of the love stories inside the Soto del Real prison described in the documentary.

The film was screened hours before, by the director and part of the FIC-Valencia team, at the Picassent Penitentiary Center with a warm welcome from the inmates. This center is the official sub-headquarters of this sixth edition of the Valencia Film and Human Rights Festival.

All the members of the Jury and the directors of the FIC-Valencia, Javier Vilalta and Sandra Mora, were present at this opening ceremony, as well as the representatives of the different organizations that make possible the development of the cooperation programs of the Foundation for Justice. . Among them is the FIC-Valencia, designed to raise awareness of Human Rights in society through committed cinema.

The opening party concluded at the Sala Rialto with a performance by the Valencian band Sedajazz, who collaborated altruistically with FIC-VALENCIA.