The Jury, chaired by the filmmaker Carles Bosch, has decided to award the Prize of the VI Edition of the Valencia International Film and Human Rights Festival to the documentary “The wild years" of Ventura Durall, who will attend the closing tomorrow, at 8:00 p.m. at the CulturArts IVAC Film Library, to collect the FIC trophy. This documentary masterfully portrays the story of three children who live poorly in the capital of Ethiopia. The Special Mention from the Jury It was for the Moroccan documentary “475: when marriage becomes a punishment” by Nadir Bouhmouch. The title number refers to an article in force in Morocco that establishes that someone who has committed an act of rape can avoid his sentence if he subsequently marries the rape victim. Many women in Morocco are forced every year to marry their attackers. He “One minute, one right” award has fallen into the short film, “Pussy Riot" of Itziar Telletxea (EASD). The Jury wanted to grant a special mention for their effort and their work to the work done by the inmates of the Picassent Penitentiary Center called “No to racism and preconceptions of ideas”. The Jury, chaired by Carles Bosch, was made up of Alejandro Mañes, vice president of UNESCO in Valencia, Giovanna Ribes, film director, Abdelatif Hwidar, actor, Toni Navarro, director of the Barcelona International Film Festival, Jose Antonio Hurtado, film critic and María Escalona Ponce, General Coordinator of Amnesty International Valencia .