special guests

XIV edition

Isabel Coixet. 

Learn more about Isabel

Isabel Coixet (Barcelona, 1960) is a Catalan filmmaker who, with more than 35 years of professional career in the audiovisual world, has managed to stand out in a field as masculinized as cinema for working with a gender perspective and helping to deconstruct representation. traditional feminine. With more than twenty films under his belt, Coixet has collected several Goya awards, such as Best Film, which he won with The secret Life of the words, with which he also won Best Director and Best Original Screenplay, and invisible, which he dedicated to Doctors Without Borders and won Best Documentary Film. But this does not stop here, because Coixet has also won Medals from the Circle of Cinematographic Writers with screenings such as Things I never told you, his first film shot in English, which won the Award for Best Original Screenplay, My life without me, for Best Adapted Screenplay, The secret Life of the words, for Best Director and The bookstore, for Best Adapted Screenplay. 

Coixet will receive the honorary award Pau i Justicia of the Humans Fest next June 1 at the La Beneficencia Cultural Center. In addition, on June 2 at 8 p.m. La Filmoteca will screen My life without me, the film that changed his professional career. After the screening, he will star in a discussion with the director of the Caiman CdC magazine, Jara Yáñez. On Saturday the 3rd at 8 p.m. it will also be screened there. Wanda, as a suggestion from Coixet, and on Sunday the 4th at the same place and time, Sans toit ni loi. Finally, on Friday, June 9 at 5 p.m., there will be a screening The groc sostre, his latest documentary, which will also have audio description, followed by a round table on the #metoo movement in Spanish cinema. The filmmaker will be accompanied by two actresses from the film and representatives of CIMA, Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media.

Asaari Bibang. 

Learn more about Asaari

Asaari Bibang (Malabo, 1985) is an Equatorial Guinean actress, writer, activist and comedian who began in the audiovisual world in 2010, when she starred in her first film, Rest area. Later, he focused on humor as a tool for vindication and toured his show The black battle. In addition, he has also participated in different external projects such as Riot Comedy, The Resistance, The Missing Ones y Comedy Central. Already in 2021, Bibang became independent and created his own show, Black Humor, that vindicates Afrofeminism from an activist perspective. Likewise, she regularly contributes to the feminist magazine Pikara Magazine and the diary The country. He is also part of the anti-racist podcast team There are no blacks in Tibet. 

Bibang will offer a welcome monologue at the opening of Humans Fest 2023, which will take place on June 1. 

Jara Yanez.

Learn more about Jara

Jara Yáñez (Madrid, 1980) has been an editor for the magazine Caimán Cuadernos de Cine for ten years. In addition, she also works as a programmer at the Documenta Madrid festival and the Alcalá de Henares Film Festival. Yáñez has published different books throughout his career, such as the book Feminine Plural, your most recent publication. It has also organized two film series for boys and girls among the program Museocinema, from the Reina Sofía Museum. 

Yáñez will participate in the Humans Fest through the discussion with the filmmaker Isabel Coixet. 

Ivan Gergolet.

Learn more about Ivan

Iván Gergolet (Italy, 1977) is a film director who graduated from the University of Bologna who, since he began his career in 2001, has produced numerous films that have won various awards. Among his most notable productions are Dance with Maria, Documentary genre, In the Cave, a Drama published in 2018, and its latest production, L'uomo senza colpa, which reached audiences in 2022 and revolves around personal revenge and redemption. In addition, he also worked as a production and directing assistant on several projects.

Gergolet will be at Humans Fest 2023 and will offer a discussion about the film L'uomo senza colpa after its screening. The meeting will take place on June 5, 2023 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Taki Mumladze. 

Learn more about Taki

Taki Mumladze is a young Georgian actress and writer known for her role in films such as Otar's Death, Spineless, published this same year, and A room of my own, a film in which the protagonist, Tina (Taki Mumladze) begins to discover herself and find her place thanks to Megi. 


Taki Mumladze will attend the Humans Fest and will offer a discussion after the screening of A room of my own, on Friday, June 9 between 10 p.m. and midnight.


Emma Larreta.

Learn more about Emma

Emma Larreta is an actress who, as a result of being a victim of gender violence, suffered a disability. Larreta has been part of the Documentary genre film AMA-das, which tells the life story of four women, including herself, who have suffered gender violence and, as a result, a disability. The documentary investigates the fears, doubts and concerns of all of them during the process of acceptance and self-love. 

Larreta will accompany us in the discussion after the screening of AMA-das, on Friday, June 2 from 6 to 8 p.m.

Cristina Garcia.

Learn more about Cristina

Cristina García is one of the actresses in the documentary The groc sostre, by Isabel Coixet. The actress will attend the screening of the film, on Friday, June 9, 2023 at 6 p.m., and will then accompany the director, Isabel Coixet, in the discussion Why hasn't there been a #MeToo in Spain? after the screening.

Aida Flix. 

Learn more about Aida

Aída Flix is one of the protagonists of the documentary The groc sostre, by Isabel Coixet. Flix will accompany Cristina García, Jara Yáñez and Isabel Coixet in the colloquium Why hasn't there been a #MeToo in Spain? which will take place after the screening of the film, on Friday, June 9, 2023. 

Mariam Khundadze.

Learn more about Mariam

Mariam Khundadze is one of the most recognized Georgian actresses in recent years. Some of the cinematographic works in which he has participated are The Capture (2019), To Batumi and Every Single Memory (2021) y A Room of my Own (2022). 

Khundadze will be at Humans Fest during the screening of A Room of my Own, which will be on Friday the 9th starting at 10 p.m. In addition, he will also be at the subsequent colloquium.