The International Film and Human Rights Festival includes a music festival called “Music, Love & Roots” that will bring to Valencia, next Thursday, October 30, a performance by the Celtic music group “Solana.” The concert will be at 10:00 p.m. in the IVAM hall and they will present their latest album “Recurring Sunset Valley”, a mix of folk, swing, gypsy, klezmer and flamenco. This concert will be a sound closing for this VI edition of the FIC-Valencia that will officially conclude on Friday, October 31, although various documentaries will continue to be screened until November 5.


The group “Solana” was formed in Valencia in the summer of 2012 and its formula, based on a particular combination of the sound of flutes, violin, accordion, guitar and percussion, has been making its way through small performances that have been consolidating as a group within creative Celtic music. Their concerts try to make it a collective party in which they play with sounds, improvisation and enjoyment in unison with the public.
They released their first album in November 2012 with Proyecto Simbiosis (Valencia) and on November 29 they will publish their second album “Recurring Sunset Valley”, some of whose songs they will preview this Thursday in Valencia.
“Solana” is composed mostly of British musicians from Sheffield and Bristol such as Tamsin (flute, accordion, whistles), Rowen (violin, mandolin), Alex (guitar), Elio (percussion) and Al (bass).

The “Music, Love & Roots” Festival has already organized a performance by the Brazilian Thais Morell at the IVAM (June 19), as well as the Pro Pueblo Sirio Coral concert with the Valencia Medical Choir (July 17) and the recital by Sahrawi poetry by Mohamed Ali Ali Salem. Admission costs 2 euros and is a donation since the British group's performance is totally altruistic.

The International Film and Human Rights Festival and the Por la Justicia Foundation want, with this music festival and other parallel activities, to offer a more optimistic vision of the defense of human rights. You can fight for justice in many ways: from denunciation, evidence of the cruelty of some situations or from the conviction that a lot can also be done with positive initiatives that contribute to protecting and valuing the dignity of people.