







December 10 – City Museum – Plaza del Arzobispo, 3 València

11am Celebration of World Human Rights Day.

Valencia City Museum.


Performance A crit pels refugees. 7' live music and dance.

Reading Human Rights manifesto.

Presentation of the Human Rights Poster – Paco Roca

VIII International Film and Human Rights Festival of Valencia

Pre-premiere “1938 – the civil war in Jérica” – 58' dir. Juan Lopez Camps, on historical memory of the Spanish civil war on the Levante front.

1:00 p.m. II Cycling march for human rights  exit Plaza de la Virgen and end Cie's Valencia door. Placing human rights banner on the City Hall balcony.

10pm Human Rights Party Valencia Ice Factory.

MARHABA projection, Greece/Spain. Dir. Emilio Martí

Screening WAITING FOR EUROPE, Spain. Dir. Samuel Sebastián

Musical groups performance

Free admission donation to CEAR, ACCEM and Red Cross, “La teua ciutat el teu refugi”

 1938cartelesperando a europa

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