2019 – Jury

Jury Official Section Documentary Feature Film

President – Silvia Munt

Born in Barcelona on March 24, 1957, Silvia Munt Quevedo devoted her childhood to dancing, an artistic discipline in which she began at the age of five. Her life changed when Juanjo Puigcorbé hired her, at the age of 19, to play the elf Puck in a production of “A Midsummer Night's Dream” by William Shakespeare. He discovered that what he really liked was acting. He also made his film debut with Puigcorbé in La orgía, by Francesc Bellmunt.

She became popular with the interpretation of “La Colometa” in La Plaza del Diamond, a woman who was trying to get ahead during the years of the Civil War.

Since that moment, prestigious directors have had it with her, such as José Luis Cuerda (Pares y nones), Pedro Olea (Akelarre), Fernando Trueba (Sal gorda), Ventura Pons (The reason for things). Two mother roles stand out in her filmography, that of Secrets of the Heart, by Montxo Armendáriz, and the woman obsessed with having a boy, after having given birth to a girl, in Butterfly Wings, a promising debut by Juanma Bajo Ulloa. For this last role Silvia Munt won the Goya for best actress, one of the three that the film received.

Additionally, she is a prolific director. His moving work Lalia – about a Sahrawi girl – won the Goya for best short film. Subsequently, she has filmed various television films for Catalan regional television and the film Pretextos, where she also played the protagonist, a theater director in a marital crisis. The husband was played by actor Ramón Madaula, who is also his partner in real life.

Nuria CastelloteNuria Castellote

Nuria Castellote is a programming technician at the Valencia Film Library and a professor of monographic courses on film history at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Valencia, she completed part of her studies at the Paris VIII-Sorbonne Nouvelle University in Paris and a Master's Degree in Subtitling and Dubbing at the University of Seville. She has been a member of the technical team of the seminar European cinema of the 21st century in 2004, and of the I International Conference on Contemporary Audiovisuals in 2007. She is one of the authors of the Dictionary of Ibero-American Cinema (Spain, Portugal and America) (Madrid, 2009).

Andrea Kuhn

Andrea Kuhn (*1971) started her career as an academic and researcher in the Theater and Media Studies department and the American Studies department at FAU and is a student of the DFG research training group “Cultural Hermeneutics: Reflections on Difference and Transdifference” at Erlangen University.

In 2007 she accepted the call to become the full-time director of the Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Festival where she has worked since. Kuhn served as the chair of the Human Rights Film Network on 2008 and 2009, an international association currently consisting of 42 human rights film festivals from around the world. She is an associate member of ANHAR: The Network for Arab Human Rights Films and serves on the board of Dox Box eV, an association that emerged out of the DOX BOX International Film Festival in Syria and has transformed into a non-traditional support organization focusing on the strengthening and empowerment of documentary filmmakers in the Arab World while promoting the values and principles of justice, dignity, and human rights. She is currently the chair of the Association of Bavarian Film Festivals, a member of the European Film Academy and a founding member and speaker of the section “Festivalarbeit” at ver.di (Germany's United Services Trade Union) which aims to improve working conditions for freelancers and employees at film festivals.

Andrea Kuhn is also on the board of Stiftung medico international, an aid and human rights organization which focuses on health as a human right and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999 for their International Campaign to Ban Landmines.

Mariam Barouni

Mariam Barouni Barouni, responsible for institutional relations and spokesperson for the Islamic Cultural Center of Valencia, social worker at CEAR (Spanish Commission for Refugee Assistance), activist for human rights, against hate crimes and Islamophobia.

I don't know if this is enough or you need more details.

Carlos Garsan

Carlos Garsán (Torrent, 1990). Editor-in-chief of the newspaper culturplaza, the cultural brother of the newspaper Valencia Plaza. Before, he struggled in the editorial office of Las Provincias as a local information and web journalist. Graduated in Journalism from the University of Valencia, he made his first steps in communication at Contexto and the press office of the Cinémathèque royale de Belgique.

Official Jury Short Film Section

Adriana Cabezas


Mar Ortega

Galician and activist. She became involved in the 90s in the fight for the rights of HIV people, later with the LGTBI+ community both at the local and state level and currently fights to defend the rights of women and girls.

She has been general coordinator of lambda, and currently combines her work as an educator at Àmbit, with that of an equality technician, providing consulting and training services on gender equality in the field of culture, NGOs and administration .

Her extensive and diverse training shows what she is like, restless and tenacious, always wanting to know a little more and enjoying, at every moment, the projects in which she is involved.

Pau Romero

Pau Romero, Professor of Training Cycles of the Image and Sound family at the Juan Comenius Training Center. President of the Juan Comenius Cultural Association and coordinator of the CORTOCOMENIUS Short Film Festival, with 12 editions, among which he has also served as a jury in the VI edition. Co-director of the documentaries “Cuba amb nosaltres” 2006 with Marisa Herráiz, “Eloy una vida Revolución” 2009 and “Esencia de Revolución” 2010, with David Rodríguez. During the 16 years of teaching he has served as Coordinator of Audiovisual Projects parallel to formal training with collaborations with NGOs such as "Músicos por la Salud". Direct sound technician in several short films and radio host for 10 years in the program “Cuba va” on radioklara, a program linked to the José Martí Friendship with Cuba Association of Valencia.


Almudena Verdes

DEA in Communication and degree in Information Sciences from the Cardenal Herrera CEU University. Master in Cinematography from the London Film School where he graduated in 2001.

In Valencia he works on nearly 100 feature film projects, video clips, documentaries, fiction series, advertisements and television films.

In 2005 he created the production company Kaplan&Kaplan with which he directed and wrote short films and documentaries. We highlight TRATO and the documentary AMPARITO PUERTO Y LOS AGUJEROS DE USANO.

In 2011 he founded Silence Comunicación, mainly dedicated to advertising and visual creation work. She currently works as a director and screenwriter. He also carries out his research and teaching activities at the Open University of Catalonia.

Pau Martínez

Director, producer and screenwriter.

He has signed all types of audiovisual works, as a director, director or screenwriter: shorts, features, documentaries, TV-movies or video clips.

As a screenwriter he has participated in the writing and development of short films, feature films, documentaries and TV series.

He has developed most of his career as a director, where the films stand out Lost bullet (2003) or The Kaseron (2008), films with which he won the award for best director at the Mostra de Valencia in its 2003 and 2008 editions, as well as the tvmovie Omar Martínez (2006), which won a dozen awards at different festivals.

He has worked as a director on several television programs such as This is my story, for TVE and University Campus, Territories of fiction o Cinema stories, for RTVV.

He has directed programs such as Gormandia o Tip&Cia, for RTVV.

He has participated in the script and direction of documentaries such as Polar: Home o The ambassador Vich.

He directed several episodes of the sitcom Singles, for RTVV and co-directed the second season of the series Da Capo musical union for RTVV.

From 2010 to the end of 2013 he was part of the series' team of directors. The white farmhouse, for RTVV.

He directed the feature film Reset (2013), which premiered in 2014 and was the culmination of the Vivir Rodando film workshop. The film premiered online in 2014 at the Atlántida film festival, winning the audience award, organized by the Filmen platform, where it can still be seen. It has also been seen in FantBilbao and Cine Joven.

During January 2014 and January 2017 he was president of the Valencian screenwriters association, EDAV.

His last film work as a screenwriter and director was the feature film Innocent (2016), award for best leading actor for Jaime Linares at the Alicante Film Festival 2017 and award for best supporting actor for Álvaro Baguena at the Premis de l'Audiovisual Valencià 2018.

During 2017 and early 2018 he directed the documentary series Disappearing cities and has scripted and directed two chapters of the documentary series Civil 80, both produced by The fly Hunter for the Valencian TV Àpunt media.

In 2018 he directed the first season of Àpunt media's first fiction series: The Valley, produced by Mediterráneo Media.

He is currently directing the second season of the documentary series Disappearing cities, produced by The Fly Hunter for À punt Mèdia.

Joana Ortueta

Joana Ortueta has a degree in Audiovisual Communication, with a master's degree in film and TV scriptwriting. An accidental producer with Nakamura Films, she loves her job as a screenwriter. He moves like a fish in water in television series (“Servir y Proteger”, “Bon dia, bonica”, “L'Alquería blanca”…) although he has also made his forays into documentaries with “Las dos orias” and “El man who bottled the sun", the second part of which is currently being cooked.