This year we present our honorary award Peace and Justice to the Red Carpet Human Rights Film Festival, the first film and rights festival in Palestine, which advocates for culture as a pillar to defend identity and territory, as well as to move towards peace. Therefore, as a show of support for their people, we organized three screenings of films produced in Palestine.

Ghost hunting

Raed Andoni | Palestine | 2017 | 94'' | Arabic VOSE

Synopsis: Director Raed Andoni brings together an eclectic group of Palestinians to rebuild the Israeli research center where they had all been imprisoned. Award for Best Documentary at the Berlin Festival.

+ Discussion with producer Mohammed Shat and Palestinian actor Ramzi Maqdisi, protagonist of the film. Moderated by journalist Lola Bañón.

Friday 31 – 8:15 p.m.

The Film Library



Mates Grorud | 2018 | France, Sweden, Norway | 74' | English VOSE

Synopsis: An award-winning animated gem for the whole family that takes us to Palestine to see, through the eyes of a girl, the difficult situation in which the country has been immersed for years.

+ Round table “What does it mean to grow up in a refugee camp?” with the Palestinian Mohammed Shat and the Saharawi defender Asria Mohamed. Moderated by journalist Germán Caballero.

Saturday 1 – 8pm 

The Film Library


Hany Abu-Assad | Palestine | 2013 | 98' | Arabic VOSE

Synopsis: Omar is a young Palestinian who is used to dodging Israeli bullets to visit Nadia, his secret love. But when one day he is captured, a deadly game of cat and mouse begins. Prize Un Certain Regard at the Cannes Film Festival.

+ Colloquium with one of the actors, Ramzi Maqdisi.

Sunday 2 – 8pm

The Film Library

We haven't forgotten Ukraine either! We complete our cycle with this projection:

20 Days in Mariupol

Mstyslav Chernovs | 2023 | Ukraine | 95' | English VOSE

Synopsis: A vivid and shocking account that shows what it is like to report from a conflict zone and the impact of war journalism around the world. Oscar winner for Best Documentary.

+ Colloquium with Pablo Gil, honorary consul of Ukraine in Valencia, and Vicent Montagud, journalist specialized in conflicts. Moderated by Majo Siscar, journalist and festival director.

Projection in collaboration with TolokArt.

Wednesday 5 – 8:15 p.m.

The Film Library


HUMANS FIC: Our selection of Fiction

Official competitive section on the best international fiction feature films that address the problems of climate change and the defense of the Valencian territory from different perspectives and with surprising narratives. A cinema to enjoy, connect and reflect!

Short films on human rights made by students will be projected in front of each feature film. This is the 1 MINUTE, 1 RIGHT award, where the public is the one who decides the winner. Watch them and vote!

Camping du lac

Eleanor Saintagnan | France | 2023 | 70′ | French, English VOSE

Synopsis: Éléonore drives west. His car breaks down in the middle of Brittany, France. There he rents a bungalow on a campsite overlooking a lake where, it is said, a legendary beast lives.

Friday 31 – 6pm

Babel Cinemas


Let the river flow

 Ole Giæver | Norway | 2023 | 1″58′ | Norwegian, Saami VOSE

Synopsis: Ester moves to Alta, a municipality in northern Norway and hides her identity to avoid exposure to racism and work as a teacher. Suddenly, He is in the middle of the demonstrations against the construction of a large dam in Alta and will begin a personal journey to get out of the shame he has carried for so long. Considered the best Norwegian Goya film that brings to life the moving struggle of the Sami people.

Saturday 1 – 6pm 

Babel Cinemas

How to Blow up a Pipeline

Daniel Goldhaber | USA | 2022 | 1″44' | English VOSE

Synopsis: A group of young environmental activists plan to destroy an oil pipeline in West Texas in a radical and desperate call for action in the face of intensifying climate change.

Monday 3 – 8 p.m. 

+ Colloquium – Babel Cinemas

snow leopard

Pema Tseden | China|2022| 1″49'|Tibetan, Chinese VOSE 

Synopsis: A father and son argue over whether or not they should kill a snow leopard that entered their house and killed nine sheep. 

Wednesdays 5 – 10 p.m.

Babel Cinemas

Red rooster

Enrique García-Vázquez | Spain | 2023 | 84' | Spanish VOSE

Synopsis: Enrique García-Vázquez's feature debut offers a moving vision of rural depopulation in Spain, highlighting the desire to return and reconnect with roots. Recognized for his talent, his film captivates the Seminci selection committee.

Thursday 6 – 8 p.m.

+ Colloquium – Babel Cinemas

With self-description and interpretation in sign language

HUMANS DOC: our documentary selection

Official competitive section on the best international fiction feature films that address the problems of climate change and the defense of the Valencian territory from different perspectives and with surprising narratives. A cinema to enjoy, connect and reflect!

Desert PHOSfate

Mohamed Sleiman Labat | Western Sahara, Finland | 2023 | 60' | Arabic and English VOSE

Synopsis: Trace the history of phosphate, exploring overlapping narratives of displaced sand particles, plants, people, and minerals. The film explores ways of telling realities, metaphors and poetics in the desert. It highlights the connections between ecological justice, colonial practices, environmental violence, traces of anthropocentric mineral extractions, and the loss of indigenous ways of knowing and telling the world.

Sunday 2 – 6pm

+ Colloquium – Babel Cinemas

An inhabited volcano

José Victor Fuentes  | David Pantaleon  | Spain | 2023 | 63' | Spanish VOSE

Synopsis: On September 19, 2021, after 50 years, a new volcano emerged on the island of La Palma. During the months of the eruption, a group of childhood friends shared audio messages in a common chat; a daily chronicle of astonishment and tragedy, far from the media story. “An Inhabited Volcano” is a collective portrait of the friendship and strength of the inhabitants of a land, who from time to time coexist with the hypnotic and devastating power of nature. 

Sunday 2 – 8pm

Babel Cinemas

With self-description and sensory experience



Between The Rains

Andrew H. Brown and Moses Thuranira| Kenya | 2023 | 82' | Ng'aturkana VOSE


In collaboration with the Turkana-Ngaremara community, it shows the story of a childhood rooted in traditional culture that faces the problems of climate change. 

Tuesday 4 – 8pm

Babel Cinemas

The White Guard

Julie Elien | Canada | 2023 | 109′ | Spanish VOSE 

Synopsis: Mexico, a country mired in necropolitics: The film explores the mutually beneficial relationship between large corporations, the government and the cartels that are killing more and more activists.

Thursday 6 – 10pm 

Babel Cinemas

Premiere in Spain

Breathe Mom

Meri Collazos Solá | Spain | 2024 | 70' | English VOSE

Synopsis: The documentary is about the story of Meri and her daughter Nina, who suffers from an Alpha1 genetic deficiency, a genetic rarity that leaves her unprotected from any polluting air. In her fight for clean air, Meri meets families with the same problem. Together they discover shocking truths and face the consequences of Dieselgate, gene editing and the pandemic. Will there be hope for their children?

Friday 7 – 8pm +

Colloquium – Babel Cinemas

With sign language interpretation 

CURT I BARREJAT: Our selection of short films

Official competitive section on Valencian short films, on the one hand, and international, on the other, fiction and documentary genres. The challenge of saying a lot in less than 30 minutes!



Monday 3 – From 5pm to 8pm

SGAE Center Cultural Room



Julien Zubiete | Spain | Documentary | 2023 | 25' | Spanish VOSE



Shi Chin Cheun | Malaysia | Fiction | 2023 | 25' | Chinese VOSE



Stefano Sbrulli | Peru, Italy | Documentary | 2022 | 20' | Spanish VOSE



Daniel Kreizberg | Lithuania, USA| Documentary Animation | 2023 | 15' | English VOSE



Alan Luna | Spain | Fiction | 2023 | 20' | Spanish VOSE



Victor Devesa | Spain | Fiction | 2024 | 7' | Spanish VOSE


Anna Juesas | Sonia Sánchez | Spain | Fiction, Animation | 2023 | 6' | Spanish VOSE



Tuesday 4 – From 5pm to 8pm

SGAE Center Cultural Room



Iván Zahinos | Spain | Documentary | 2024 | 29' | Spanish VOSE


Sara Sarrablo Asensio | Spain | Documentary | 2023 | 25' | English VOSE


Victor Monigote | Spain | Fiction, Animation | 2023 | 13' | No dialogue


Ana Llargués | Spain | Fiction | 2023 | 28' | Catala VOSE


Jordi López Navarro | Spain | Fiction | 2023 | 10' | Another VOSE


Manuel Vitali | Italy | Fiction | 2022 | 8' | Italian VOSE


Dani Reina | Spain | Fiction | 2024 | 17' | Valencian, Spanish VOSE

SESSION 3 – With audio description


Wednesday 5 – From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

SGAE Center Cultural Room



Alejandra Gómez Pinilla | Peru | Fiction | 2024| 24' | Spanish VOSE


Manuel Omonte | Spain | Fiction | 2023 | 23' | Spanish VOSE


Claudia García de Mateos | Spain | Documentary | 2024 | 18' | Spanish VOSE


Almudena Vázquez | Spain | Fiction | 2022 | 4' | Spanish VOSE


Doriam Alonso | Spain | Fiction | 2023 | 25' | Spanish VOSE


Luis E. Pérez Cuevas | Spain | Fiction | 2023 | 25' | Valencian VOSE


Mariam Zelaia | Spain | Fiction | 2022 | 22' | Valencian VOSE


When the body dances, the mind forgets

La Cosecha Comunicación, Foundation for Justice | Valencia | 2024 | Castilian

In the Picassent prison, a group of inmates have organized to create a dance group led by a professional dancer. A place that they have turned into a family and a space of freedom. Because when the body dances, the mind forgets.

Documentary made by inmates of the Picassent prison + Colloquium

Tuesday 4 – 4pm

Rector Peset Residence Hall + Colloquium

Climate talks

Dialogue between two environmental disseminators to find out the answers to citizens' everyday questions about climate change and the challenges that dissemination projects have:

  • Andreu Escriva, environmentalologist, writer and expert on climate change.
  • Magda Bandera, director of La Marea magazine and editor of Climática.
  • Pilar Almenar, journalist.

Tuesday 4 – 6:30 p.m.

Rector Peset Residence Hall + Colloquium

With interpretation and sign language

In collaboration with:

fast fashion and inequalities

Screening of DIRTY CLOTHES
Félix Zurita de Higes | Spain | 2021 | 48' | Castilian

A trip from Central America to the Valencian Country through fast and cheap fashion. While we consume seasonal fashion, in Central America women work in exhausting conditions, conditions not so different from those of the Valencian Country, where more than 700 textile companies have closed.

Subsequent discussion with ISCOD-UGT activists and shopkeepers from Elche.

Thursday 6 – 6:30 p.m.

Rector Peset Residence Hall + Colloquium

Sustainable cinema (limited capacity)

Session with specialists in sustainable filming who will talk to us about how to adapt the audiovisual sector to reduce the environmental impact of productions.

  • Sixto Garcia, eco-manager and member of the Sustainability Commission of the Valencian Audiovisual Academy (AVAV).
  • Jaime Fons, Spanish Network for Sustainable Development.
  • Deborah Micheletti, producer.

Friday 7 – 11am

Rector Peset Residence Hall + Colloquium

Cameras and (climatic) action!

Participatory short films resulting from the documentary workshop organized by Humans Fest together with the Fundación por la Justicia with activists against climate change. 

Friday 7 – 5pm

Rector Peset Residence Hall + Colloquium with the producers and protagonists 

No Places

Elena Krause, Conxa Solano, Margaret Flaws, Roberta Callicó, Gabriel Lozano | Spain | 2024 | 05' | Castilian

Synopsis: Small portrait of a Valencia besieged, exhausted and blurred by that insatiable tourism that devours everything.

Move Horizontally

Marina Reig Vega, Andrés Ortiz, Sofía Val Corvera, Patricia Azpelicueta | Spain | 2024 | 03' | Castilian

Synopsis: Collective reflections of a space and time that is close, but at the same time strange, distant, changing. How we build identity based on the logic that builds the territory itself.

New Val 2075

Jaume Ferrando, Ruth Davia, Lydia Melia, José Octavio Toledo-Alcalde| Spain | 2024 | 06' | Castilian

Synopsis: Valencia, 2050. The world has continued with the current drift and through this fake documentary we can imagine what life would be like in the Cap i Casal in this not so distant future.


Ecosystems on trial.

International jurisprudence to defend the environment and human rights

In charge of Antonio Vercher Noguera, Prosecutor of the Supreme Court Chamber, Coordinator of Environment and Urban Planning, lawyer of the European Court of Justice.

Presents: Izabel Rigo Portocarrero, deputy director of the Public Law Area and academic coordinator of the Master's Degree in Environmental Law at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR).

Friday 7 – 6:30 p.m.

Rector Peset Residence Hall + Colloquium


On Saturdays, come and have a vermouth for human rights!

MUVIMAS (MuVIM cafeteria)


There is a future if we build it together

Conversation with activists who mobilize in our territory for the right to an environment, to healthy and habitable towns and cities:

  • Let's take care of Benimaclet – EntreBarris València
  • The Mataobras
  • Biopleasant
  • Valencian coordinator for the rational location of renewable energies


Art for the climate: creators for a world in danger

Conversation with creators who value the environment through cinema, literature and podcasts:

  • Luci Romero, writer
  • Laura García Andreu, director of Sunday, Sunday and the podcast Velles
  • Meri Collazos, director of Breathe, Mom
  • Pablo Garrigós, journalist


Humans Fest bases y fechas 2023



Patio of Our Lady of the Forsaken School

(Calle del Parque de Nazaret, 82, Poblats Marítims, València)

Selection of short films out of competition

Thursday 6 – AT 9:30 PM


(Avinguda dels Pinars, 1, Pobles del Sud, Valencia)

RED ROOSTER Projection + Colloquium with the director 

Friday the 7th – AT 9:30 PM


(Orriols Hermitage Garden Square)

RED ROOSTER Projection + Colloquium with the director 


African activism against climate change

Jennifer Baitwamasa has been threatened, they have tried to arrest her and they accuse her of being a lesbian in a country where it is illegal to be one. “What if I'm scared? “No, I can’t be.” She is one of the activists against the East African Crude Oil Pipeline that the multinational Total Energies intends to impose along 1,443 kilometers between Uganda and Tanzania and that violates socio-environmental rights. The exhibition shows the first-person stories of activists and the environmental impact that changes the way the East African media usually looks.

From May 28 to June 16

Tabacalera Building – Citizen Service Office of the Valencia City Council

(C/ Amadeo de Saboya, 11)


Awards ceremony | special screening

Saturday 8 – 7pm – MUVIM assembly hall